1 5 tips to boost communication skills of employees ~ "TAKE NO AS A QUESTION "

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

5 tips to boost communication skills of employees

5 tips to boost communication skills of employees

3c75c3d0eca029017ad39304f5502b7eIn an increasingly competitive world, the demand for communication skills is always on the rise. Today, while organisations are focusing on hiring candidates with good communication skills, many are also building strategies to enhance communications skills of their employees to boost productivity
Employees are the driving force of an organisation. If an employee cannot communicate appropriately, it reflects badly on the company’s repute. Communication skills are an important element of a successful workplace. Most organisations are training employees on soft skills and communications. However, many companies still don’t have clarity on basic fundamentals of teaching and training employees on communication.
Asif Upadhye, chief fun officer, Never Grow Up shares few strategies that an organisation can implement to better the employees’ communication skills.
Begin with email etiquette 
What you think you write and when you write, you know what to speak. The art of writing still remains the best medium to enhance communication. While addressing an email, right from the salutation to precisely framing the subject to explaining the contextual purpose of drafting the email, the grammatical sentence structure and appropriate use of vocabulary, all play a vital role.
It is not ‘what’ you say but ‘how’ you say it 
Sometimes, non-verbal communication in terms of body language can be significant as well. Employees learn to adapt to the tone of their superiors. If you have to convey acknowledgement, let your tone be appreciative, if you need to call attention to an error, be polite yet stern. The way you emote and express will make an impression and will be subconsciously registered.
Be a good listener 
Sometimes, an employee may be good at speaking, but hesitant in coming forth to express his views, while some may genuinely need guidance. Instead of being the grammar Nazi and picking out faults in every part of the speech, take your time in building a rapport and evaluating each employee individually. Ask open ended questions and invite employees to be as elaborate as possible in their answers. 
Mandatory participation during meetings 
The person who diligently takes down notes but never utters a single word, needs to raise his voice. If not making a presentation, ensure that every meeting your employees come in a little early and take 20 seconds to briefly introduce themselves. It not only depicts that the other person listens, but it also makes them want to improve and better their own representation.
Facilitate training and workshops 
Learning has no barriers. Getting an external trainer secures a platform for your employees to open up, keeping apprehensions at bay. Not being from the organisation gives the trainer an additional benefit of interacting with his protégée as a friend more than a mentor and it allows the employee to discuss his difficulties, be more receptive to feedback and accept criticism positively to better himself voluntarily.

You Need any soft-skills Training with placement just contact us Contact number : 8904762432. Website: www.moxiestars.com. Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/moxiestarssolutions. LinkedIn : Moxiestars. Email: info@moxiestrars.com.

For Insurance :8904762432.

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