1 Lessons From My First Job: Tanvi Saxena, Head HR, CapitalVia Global Research Ltd. ~ "TAKE NO AS A QUESTION "

Monday 9 December 2013

Lessons From My First Job: Tanvi Saxena, Head HR, CapitalVia Global Research Ltd.

Lessons From My First Job: Tanvi Saxena, Head HR, CapitalVia Global Research Ltd.

Lessons From My First Job: Tanvi Saxena, Head HR, CapitalVia Global Research Ltd.
Tanvi Saxena of CapitalVia Global Research shares her first job experience…

My First Job: At Tata Consultancy Services, Mumbai.
My experience: As soon as one completes education, there is an expectation and hope to utilise their theoretical knowledge in the concerning field. CapitalVia gave the exposure that I was looking for. It is amazing to realise how fast I have learnt new things. Being a part of the HR Team, it took only a few days to be fully integrated into the company. Since the first day, I was given ample of responsibilities. This helped me to grow both professionally and personally. Moreover, CapitalVia is full of friendly people with a positive attitude. CapitalVia encourages team work; hence we are all focused to achieve new heights. Even days with long meetings pass quickly. This kind of environment makes me realise how much one can learn from their colleagues even if we are all diverse in age, culture or experience.
Things I learnt: Each day starts with a new learning and ends with a new lesson. My greatest learning so far has been – we cannot be right every time, we cannot make everyone happy, all we can do is make sure that we do what is right. I learnt that it is ok to fail, make mistakes, what you need to do is convert these failures into successes.
Skills I acquired: Working with Big Data and numbers is a skill that I have acquired over time.
My manager’s teaching: Out of hundreds of things that I have learnt from my manager, his one teaching that would remain with me always is – “Keep Moving” – two simple words put together, but has the power to change things big time.
Turning point in my career: Joining CapitalVia.
My most crucial step/assignment: Leaving TCS and joining CapitalVia was the most crucial step. TCS being an established company of over 2 lakh employees gives you an opportunity to work in a predefined work system. However, I was keener on finding my own way. It was a very tough decision. TCS has a legacy to follow and working with a budding company has its own charm. Ultimate decision was to follow the instinct.
In CapitalVia my task was to collaborate and consolidate DreamGains with CapitalVia. Both the companies have different culture, people, processes and policies. To bring the two on same platform was a big challenge. Another crucial assignment was to set employees’ salaries. Though it may sound trivial, but I think it’s important to make sure that all employees get their salaries on time every time.
My advice: Never give up! Often I see people, quitting/leaving the organisation/assignments. All that one requires to do is to make a genuine attempt.
Where I see myself 5 years from now: Managing HR function as a Strategic junction with employee strength of 20,000 at CapitalVia.

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