1 8.5 Lakh New Jobs Expected In 2014 ~ "TAKE NO AS A QUESTION "

Monday 30 December 2013

8.5 Lakh New Jobs Expected In 2014

8.5 Lakh New Jobs Expected In 2014: Report
8.5 Lakh New Jobs Expected In 2014: Report
Job seekers can look forward to a prosperous new year as more than 8.5 lakh new jobs are expected across various sectors, including FMCG and healthcare, says a survey.
Coming against the backdrop of uncertain economic conditions, the projected number of new jobs in 2014 is higher than the estimated 7.9 lakh employment opportunities created this year, according to the survey by recruitment platform MyHiringClub.com.
The findings are based on a study conducted among more than 5,600 firms across 12 industry sectors.
All the opportunities have been projected in for the organised sector, it added.
Besides FMCG, more jobs are expected in healthcare, IT, retail and hospitality sectors.
“Last calendar year was not good either for job seekers or for employers due to uncertain and fluctuated economical and political conditions. 2014 is coming with positive vibes for job-seekers and expected to create 8.5 lakh new jobs in different sectors,” MyHiringClub.com CEO Rajesh Kumar said.
“Finding employees who have employability or job readiness skills that help fit into and remain in the work environment is a real problem and threatening to growth. These issues need to be addressed on priority,” he added.
MyHiringClub.com’s survey showed that FMCG would lead the chart and is expected to generate 1.5 lakh new jobs, followed by healthcare (1.33 lakh), IT and ITeS (1.21 lakh), retail (86,700) and hospitality (83,400).
Banking and financial services (61,400), manufacturing and engineering (51,500), education, training and consultancy (42,900), media and entertainment (42,800) and real estate (38,700) are also expected to create job opportunities.
Another HR expert Prachi Kumari, Director at Sat-n-Merc Manpower Consultant said: “Recruitment activity in 2013 went slow beyond our expectation across every levels, majorly recruitments were done only to replace major gaps.

“Coming year 2014 seems very promising. To increase their revenue, companies need to feel the long time vacant positions and also they have to create more jobs as compared to 2013. Overall, it seems the worst condition is over for the job market and we are entering in a zone of another two years of positive growth if not more,” she added.

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