1 Facebook may soon launch ‘Sympathize’ button ~ "TAKE NO AS A QUESTION "

Monday 9 December 2013

Facebook may soon launch ‘Sympathize’ button

Facebook may soon launch ‘Sympathize’ button

Facebook may soon launch ‘Sympathize’ button
According to a Huffington Post report, Facebook is pondering on introducing a ‘Sympathize button’.
NEW DELHI: Facebook's 'Like' button has been one of its biggest successes, but it is not rare to find posts which one may not actually like. In such cases users often write 'dislike' in comments just to express their unhappiness about the topic of the post. While the 'Dislike' button may still be away, users may get to see a 'Sympathize' button in their news feed.

According to a Huffington Post report, Facebookis pondering on introducing a 'Sympathize button'. The button created by an employee during Facebook hackathon held "a little while back" reportedly became an instant hit.

This button would appear when users post a gloomy update (for example Sad or Depressed from Facebook's list of feelings) in place of 'Like'.

Facebook engineer, Dan Muriello, told Huffington Post that though the idea of a 'Sympathize' button was warmly welcomed by others at the company, the button is still some time away from becoming a reality.

Muriello said, "It would be, 'five people sympathize with this,' instead of 'five people 'Like' this.' Which of course a lot of people were -- and still are -- very excited about. But we made a decision that it was not exactly the right time to launch that product. Yet."

So, may be in another few months, users won't have to awkwardly like a post of someone's dog passing away or when they break up with their partner.

Facebook hackathons have created some of the most popular products of the website, such as theLike button, TimeLine, Chat messenger etc.

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