1 New Apple controversy: People hate Shift key on iPhone's keyboard ~ "TAKE NO AS A QUESTION "

Friday 14 March 2014

New Apple controversy: People hate Shift key on iPhone's keyboard

New Apple controversy: People hate Shift key on iPhone's keyboard

New Apple controversy: People hate Shift key on iPhone's keyboard
iPhone 5S has several improved features, but there is one problem. Users are unhappy with the shift key on the keyboard.
Apple updated iOS, the operating system that powers iPhones and iPads.

For the most part, it's a great update. The fingerprint scanner on the iPhone 5S is improved, bug crashes are less frequent, and the animation of opening an app is zippier.

There is, however, one problem. It's really hard to figure out when you have the shift key on or off with the keyboard.

To illustrate the problem, take a look at the following and guess when the shift key is on and when it is off:

If you need help the one on the left is with shift on and the one on the right is with out it on.

This might seem trivial, and that's only because it is.

But, for Apple which prides itself on design and intuitive user interfaces, it's a bit of an embarrassment.

People are really freaking out about it on Twitter:

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