1 Apple's new iPhone ad ignores Microsoft, Samsung, and Nokia ~ "TAKE NO AS A QUESTION "

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Apple's new iPhone ad ignores Microsoft, Samsung, and Nokia

Apple's new iPhone ad ignores Microsoft, Samsung, and Nokia

While all its competitors compare themselves furiously with Apple, Cupertino's new ad keeps going down the same path: this time it's more people connect face-to-face on the iPhone than on any other phone.
It's a dog eat dog world, but Apple sees no other dog but itself.
When they're all trying to get at you, you must be doing something right.
Or you're simply paranoid and inventing the whole thing.
Apple simply doesn't want to acknowledge the criticisms being tossed its way by pretenders.
Even though many of the more famous companies have released ads comparing their products to Apple, Cupertino just keeps marching down its path of righteousness like Ayn Rand or a randy vicar who's rediscovered his faith.
Its latest ad continues in the recent vain of making universal claims for the iPhone. This time, it's that "more people connect face-to-face on the iPhone than on any other phone."
Just as Apple's adorable claim that more people take pictures on its phone than on any other camera seems to be based on a Wikipedia page I cannot find, so this one must require a little blind faith.

For myself I am most moved by the scene 40 seconds in, when a sad girl sits on the floor and her friend asks over FaceTime: "Did he apologize?"
Still, it's as warm and cuddly as it's assumptive.
The forlorn girl just shakes her head.
Sometimes, people are just mean. Why, Microsoft has spent quite some airtime offering that its tablets are better than the iPad. Samsung has been positively giddy insuggesting iPhone users are docile dodderers.
Monday, Nokia joined in the amusement by offering that the iPhone's camera was from the daguerreotype era.
Did they apologize? No, they did not. So Apple sits on the floor, shakes its head, and keeps putting out the same message, believing that it's still in the right.
Of course, this is all largely playing for (face)time. Apple knows that it's been a long time since it generated true excitement, so it's banking on the warm human feelings it's engendered over a decade of great products to see it through.
The next ad will probably say that more people talk to Siri on the iPhone than on any other phone.


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