Monday 9 December 2013

Choice of govt or pvt sector remains toss-up between job security or big bucks

Choice of govt or pvt sector remains toss-up between job security or big bucks
Choice of govt or pvt sector remains toss-up between job security or big bucks
Even though the glamour and dynamism of a private sector job is drawing the attention of today’s Indian youth, the desire to have a government job still remains strong
Rahul Raj, TimesJobs.com Bureau
Indians still prefer job security and comfort over the swanky offices and fast paced corporate lifestyles. “The prestige, security and comfort of government jobs still hold appeal for many Indians. Before the markets were liberalised in the 1990s, the government was one of the country’s most coveted employers,” states Ashish Arora, founder & MD, HR Anexi.
He believes that although the tide and glamour of private sector jobs may have strongly settled in for the last three decades, but the government’s legacy as an employer still continues with many Indians. This appeal has become stronger over the past few years, in the face of recession induced layoffs and salary cuts in the private sector.
Advantages of government jobs
According to Arora, the following are some of the key advantages of government jobs:
•  Compared to the private sector, government jobs have lesser workload and pressure to perform.
•  Holidays and vacation times are also unarguably more.
•  Job security in government roles is rarely a factor of individual performance or economic times; most government employees continue enjoying stable positions and salaries despite a bad economy or poor personal performance.
•  The government offers its employees attractive and life-long benefits, like housing, health care, pension and provident funds.
Highlighting only the advantages of government jobs would be really unfair towards private sector jobs as they too have a lot to offer and in some cases, scores over government jobs.
Where does the private sector score?
According to Sunil Goel, MD GlobalHunt India Pvt. Ltd,
•  The process of getting into a government job is longer, whereas, in private sector the decision making process of hiring is much shorter.
•  Induction and learning processes are longer for government jobs, methods and processes are still very traditional. Whereas, the processes in private sector are very dynamic and they compete with the market, with mature processes and advance technologies.
•  In private jobs there is no cap on the earning potential, whereas, in government jobs, your income gets confined to job grade and pay scale and so on.
•  Government jobs are not target driven by nature, whereas, private jobs are target driven.
According to Arora:

•  Compared to government roles, the private sector usually offers more challenging work, and a greater scope of growth.
•  For dynamic, enterprising individuals, the private sector offers quicker returns for initiative, thus naturally drawing that populace towards it.
•  While government jobs can be secure and comforting, their work content may not always be challenging. Many roles have mundane responsibilities, with little scope for improvement.
•  Making a choice between a comfortable and secure government job and a high-paying and dynamic private sector job can be really tough. Both have a lot to offer, but the choice purely depends on the wants, aspirations, upbringing and family background of the individual who has to make the choice.

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Best 7 fat burning tips

Best 7 fat burning tips

Best 7 fat burning tips
Jumpstart your metabolism: Best 7 fat burning tips (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)

It is frustrating when you commit yourself todiet and exercise, only to stare back at the same number on the scale day in and day out. There doesn't seem to be any good explanation as to why you're not losing weight. Then someone suggests the "M" word: Metabolism. Follow these simple tips by Mike Jackson, Nutritional Consultant at supplementing.com and Physique Transformation Specialist, to jumpstart yourmetabolism and start burning fat.

Fat burning tip to get sexy # 1: Eat less, but don't starve
Many dieters sabotage their own metabolism early on in their weight loss programme by making drastic cuts to their calorie count.

Consuming fewer than 1000 calories a day tells your body to start storing food and slowing metabolism to prepare for starvation. This may help you lose some initial weight, but as soon as you start consuming a healthy portion of calories again, you will gain it all back.

You will also be completely drained of energy. When your body stores nutrients, you don't have anything left to burn for energy.

Decreasing your caloric intake is important for weight loss, but don't take it too far. Instead, eat healthier foods with lower calorie counts that fill you up and leave you energised.

Fat burning tip to get sexy # 2: Eat the right foods
Your diet also has a lot to do with your metabolic rate. Eating a well-balanced diet ensures you have the nutrients necessary to properly process and regulate incoming carbs.

Protein, for example, is an important part of your diet. Protein builds muscle, and because muscleburns energy faster than fat, boosting your protein intake raises your metabolism.

Calcium is another area to watch for. Calcium-rich foods actually help the body metabolise fat more efficiently. One study even revealed that calcium helps burn belly fat.

Spicy foods like hot peppers can also increase your metabolism temporarily. Peppers contain the compound capsaicin, which exudes heat and boosts metabolism. You can take advantage of these benefits by adding some bell pepper or cayenne pepper to your eggs, stew, or anything else you want spiced up. If you aren't a fan of spicy foods you can take advantage of capsaicin's benefits by taking cayenne supplements.

Fat burning tip to get sexy # 3: Drink plenty of water
In addition to a balanced diet, you should also be drinking plenty of water. Cold water changes the body's internal temperature. As your body, works to heat it, your metabolic rate increases and more calories are burned.

These benefits were validated in a German study involving 14 participants who drank 500 ml of water. During the study, the metabolic rate of these subjects jumped a third within 10 minutes of drinking the water. It remained high for another 30 to 40 minutes.

Based on these findings, researchers estimated that increasing water consumption by 1.5 liters a day would burn an extra 17,400 calories a year. That's an extra five pounds you no longer have to worry about.

To make sure you drink the proper amount of water daily, put five rubber bands around your wrist every morning. After you drink a 16 ounce glass of water, take one rubber band off. This will help you keep track of how much water you drink daily.

Fat burning tip to get sexy # 4: Work out with interval training
Sticking with the same exercise routine day in and day out won't just make you bored, it stagnates your metabolism. Keep things fresh with interval training. Interval training involves changing the intensity of your workout throughout each session. For example, if you walk for fitness, try jogging for one minute every five minutes. On a bicycle, shift into a higher gear for one minute every five minutes. If you're a swimmer, try speeding up every other length.

This boosts your metabolism and allows you to burn more calories in the same amount of time.

For the best results, exercise five to seven days a week for 30 to 60 minutes.

Fat burning tip to get sexy # 5: Build muscle with weight training
Cardio isn't the only way to boost your metabolism through exercise. Weight training is equally important.

Because muscle burns more calories than fat, muscle continues to burn fat even when you are at rest. By increasing lean muscle mass through weight training, you are improving your metabolism and burning more calories in the process.

The best way to boost your metabolism through weight training is by complete structural and compound exercises with little downtime in between. Focus on high-intensity training that uses large muscle groups.

This maximizes calorie burn and leaves your metabolism running at a high rate both during and after your workout.

Fat burning tip to get sexy # 6: Catch up on your zzzs
Nearly every aspect of your physical and cognitive state is compromised when you don't get enough sleep. That includes your metabolism.

Although it's recommended that people get at least seven hours of sleep a night, the metabolism functions best with nine hours. Unfortunately, most people today sleep for an average seven and a half hours or less. Shift workers suffer the most, averaging just five hours of sleep a night.

Sleep is essential for metabolic function because the body releases important hormones that regulate everything from the immune system to protein breakdown during sleep. When you don't get enough of these hormones, your body is unable to perform basic metabolic functions like breaking down carbohydrates.

By contrast, getting enough sleep ensures your hormonal levels are balanced and your metabolism is in good order.

Fat burning tip to get sexy # 7: Moderation in all things
Remember, metabolism is just one piece to the weight loss puzzle. A healthy body should be your overall goal. So even if as you're not burning many calories as you'd like, if your body is healthy, you should be happy. To achieve this, eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly, stay positive, and get enough sleep. The change in your body may surprise you in ways you haven't anticipated

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Cognizant: Social, mobility, cloud business seeing traction

Cognizant: Social, mobility, cloud business seeing traction

Cognizant: Social, mobility, cloud business seeing traction
The company sees growing momentum across the three key segments of its Horizon 3--new technology architectures.

NEW DELHI: IT services major Cognizant, which expects to earn $500 million this year from social, mobility, cloud and analytics (SMAC) technologies, said the growth in this area has been better than expected.

Cognizant Technology's CFO Karen McLoughlin during the 2013 Credit Suisse Annual Tech Conference last week said the firm is getting a good reception in the marketplace to some of the SMAC solutions that it has build for certain industries and its clients.

"We are seeing great traction out of our SMAC Stack for social, mobility, analytics and cloud. And as you mentioned earlier in the year, we talked about that business was on track to do $500 million this year and we are still on track to do that.

"I think what's been interesting for us is the growth has been frankly a little faster than we expected it to be at this point," she said when asked about the status of the company's SMAC target.

McLoughlin added that over the next three to five years Cognizant expects Horizon 3 business to become a "meaningful part of revenue" and to become a meaningful part of its growth story and the company is on track to do that.

The company sees growing momentum across the three key segments of its Horizon 3--new technology architectures.

This includes SMAC, new markets and industries (such as Latin America and public sector) and new delivery models (such as pay-as-you-go, risk-reward).

Cognizant president Gordon Coburn had earlier said: "Our Horizon 3 offerings continue to gain significant traction with our clients and serve as a good illustration of our strategy of re-investment for long-term growth. In addition, we continue to invest in other areas within Horizon 3, including newer markets and industries."

The firm posted a 15.4% jump in net profit for the quarter ended September 30, 2013 at $319.6 million from $276.9 million year-on-year (y-o-y). Revenues were up 6.7% to $2.31 billion on sequential basis and 21.9% ($1.89 billion) on a y-o-y basis.

Buoyed by a strong set of numbers, the New Jersey-headquartered company revised its full year revenue target.

For 2013, it now expects revenue to be at least $8.84 billion, a growth of at least 20.3% over 2012. It had given a guidance of 19% growth in revenue ($8.74 billion) compared to 2012

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Facebook may soon launch ‘Sympathize’ button

Facebook may soon launch ‘Sympathize’ button

Facebook may soon launch ‘Sympathize’ button
According to a Huffington Post report, Facebook is pondering on introducing a ‘Sympathize button’.
NEW DELHI: Facebook's 'Like' button has been one of its biggest successes, but it is not rare to find posts which one may not actually like. In such cases users often write 'dislike' in comments just to express their unhappiness about the topic of the post. While the 'Dislike' button may still be away, users may get to see a 'Sympathize' button in their news feed.

According to a Huffington Post report, Facebookis pondering on introducing a 'Sympathize button'. The button created by an employee during Facebook hackathon held "a little while back" reportedly became an instant hit.

This button would appear when users post a gloomy update (for example Sad or Depressed from Facebook's list of feelings) in place of 'Like'.

Facebook engineer, Dan Muriello, told Huffington Post that though the idea of a 'Sympathize' button was warmly welcomed by others at the company, the button is still some time away from becoming a reality.

Muriello said, "It would be, 'five people sympathize with this,' instead of 'five people 'Like' this.' Which of course a lot of people were -- and still are -- very excited about. But we made a decision that it was not exactly the right time to launch that product. Yet."

So, may be in another few months, users won't have to awkwardly like a post of someone's dog passing away or when they break up with their partner.

Facebook hackathons have created some of the most popular products of the website, such as theLike button, TimeLine, Chat messenger etc.

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Middle order not performing to potential: MS Dhoni

Middle order not performing to potential: MS Dhoni

Middle order not performing to potential: MS Dhoni
Dhoni said he was surprised that Indian batsmen could not take advantage of a flat track. 

DURBAN: India skipper Mahendra Singh Dhonisays an under-performing middle order was one of the main reasons for his team's pathetic show against South Africa, where the home fast bowlers have ruled the roost. 

After being reduced to 34/4, India were bowled out for 146 in 35.1 overs, chasing 281 runs in the second one-dayer. No batsman crossed the 40-run mark. 

"In the last few series our middle order, to some extent, was a bit of a bother. In this series we lost the top three quite early and our middle order was exposed. So if you assess, then that's maybe why we haven't been able to perform to our potential," he said. 

Dhoni said he was surprised that Indian batsmen could not take advantage of a flat track. 

"The wicket was on the flatter side and there wasn't much for the fast bowlers in it, so I am disappointed with the batting. The kind of shots we played, well, few of them were on. But the shot execution was not great to some extent, as they went to the fielders," he said. 

Dhoni though expressed his pleasure about the bowlers' performance. 

"Compared to the last game, our bowling did a fantastic job especially in the middle orders. Spinners bowled well and so did the fast bowlers when they came back on, in the latter stages of the South African innings. I am happy with the bowlers' performance because 280 runs on this pitch was a decent score." 

South Africa were put into bat by Dhoni and while his bowlers eventually finished on top, early on they were once again defied by Quinton de Kock and Hashim Amla, with the opening duo putting up 194 runs for the first wicket and smacking a hundred each in doing so. 

"They have done really well for South Africa. They did so in the last series as well (versusPakistan). The way they were batting in the first 20 overs, I thought this may be another 300-plus run chase but we came back into the game. 

Dhoni said South Africa have good combination in both batting and bowling and that has played a major role in their continuing success. 

"In both matches in this series so far, they have done well and given a really good start, but in this game we were able to get to the middle order to some extent because they were not able to score 300-plus runs. At the moment, South Africa have the right kind of bowlers and the right batsmen." 

To counter them, Dhoni had deployed spinners as early as the 11th over, and brought on Suresh Raina and Virat Kohli as well. This turned out to be a ploy in the end, as he was able to use his bowling attack more effectively in the later stages of the South African innings. 

"The wicket was slowing a bit. So, using the part-timers gives me a few more overs of specialist bowlers a bit later on," said the skipper, explaining his move. 

"It seemed at that time that the batsmen were not really looking for the big strokes and I thought I can get a few overs off the part timers and then look to attack with the spinners. Or use the pace bowlers, if the pacers go for runs." 

"To some extent I didn't need them (spinners) in the last few overs because fast bowlers did well apart from the couple of overs that went for runs. So, overall as a bowling unit I think we bowled well," he added. 

Standing apart from the bowling unit, and indeed the entire team, was Mohammad Shami. He took 3 for 48 here at Durban, to go along with 3 for 68 in the first ODI. And Dhoni deemed him the one big positive of the tour so far. 

"He bowls with the seam upright and he bowls the right line and length. Even today (Sunday) when there was a bit of reverse swing he bowled the right length, and that's something very crucial. I think he has adapted very well. And the more he is playing the better he is getting, so that's a big positive for us," said the skipper. 

While the bowling may have worked on this day, owing to a slower pitch than in Johannesburg, it cannot be denied that 281 was a gettable target. 

Even so, Dhoni looked to defend his batsmen and said that team India will be looking to 'continue playing their best XI' in the third ODI at Centurion on Wednesday, rather than experiment or give other squad members a chance in the dead encounter. 

"When we travel outside India, people talk about short bowling because in the subcontinent we are not used to that kind of bowling. So what we have seen is that sometimes you play a few shots and it pays off, then the opposition has to think where they need to bowl. 

"This is what happens in the Champions Trophy. At other times, you play those big shots and end up losing wickets. It is a part and parcel of the cricket and we will have to accept it," he opined. 

The Men in Blue may have won in England back in the summer, but it will quickly become a distant memory if the tour continues to go this way. Yet, Dhoni sounded confident that this ODI series is a 'one-off contest' and there is much to learn ahead. 

"You win a few and you lose a few. What's important is that you keep learning. The bowlers learnt from the first game and bowled better in this game. As a batting unit also, we need to learn quite a few things and keep going onto the field," he signed off

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Saturday 7 December 2013

Add an invisible keyboard to Android devices 4.0 and up

Add an invisible keyboard to Android devices 4.0 and up

Looking for some extra screen real estate? Or maybe you just want to show off by typing on an invisible keyboard? Check out Flesky for free.
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Flesky just came out of private beta, and now it's available on the Google Play store for everyone to try it out. It has its own classic-style keyboard layout, a compact mode, and better yet -- invisible mode. You're probably wondering why you might want to use a keyboard you can't actually see. Well, three reasons come to mind:
Extra screen real estate -- Whether you're using a device with a small screen, or something the size of a Galaxy Note, you'll see more of your apps when using this keyboard.
Impressive auto-correction -- This keyboard offers some pretty solid auto-correction, as it should, since you can't really see the letters you're tapping. Additionally, the gestures for choosing or rejecting suggestions are top-notch.
Novelty -- Remember how cool Swype's tracing method was when you first saw it? Typing on a screen that shows no keyboard is a pretty neat trick to share with your friends and family.
Ready to give it a try? Let's get started:
Install a copy of Flesky on your Android 4.0+ device. The app is free for 30 days ($3.99 after), so if you decide it isn't for you, there's not much to lose.
After installing, you'll need to enable the keyboard and set it as the default choice. You can do this through the Settings > Language & input menu, or just open the app and it will guide you through the process.
Flesky tutorial.
When your keyboard is configured, the tutorial will start. You'll learn the gestures used for auto-correction, spacing, punctuation, and other tips.
The Look & Feel menu in Flesky.
After you finish learning how it works, you can make some other adjustments in the app menu, such as color theme, typing sounds (toggle and volume adjustment), and haptic feedback. Then, just head into any app and start using the new keyboard. To switch layouts, swipe down with two fingers to use the small version, and then again to use the invisible mode. When you need to type a password, it's very likely you'll need to switch back to a visible layout.
What do you think? Is this a keyboard you can see yourself using on a daily basis? If not, name your favorite in the comments.

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Here's the truth about belly fat

Here's the truth about belly fat

Here's the truth about belly fat
The truth about belly fat (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)

You may be a peaceful person, but your fight with belly fat is constant. Belly fat makes a common appearance during festival time, wedding celebrations and vacationing. 

Today we dissect belly fat to examine the what, why and how. If you are trying to get rid of this perpetual problem then this post will help to nip the problem in the bud.

What is belly fat?
Belly Fat goes by many names - beer belly, pot belly, abdominal fat, organ fat, intra - abdominal fat or simply fat. But how is this fat different from the fat that is found in other areas of the body?

'Visceral fat, ...is located inside the peritoneal cavity, packed in between internal organs and torso, as opposed to subcutaneous fat, which is found underneath the skin, and intramuscular fat, which is found interspersed in skeletal muscle...An excess of visceral fat is known as central obesity, the "pot belly" or "beer belly" effect, in which the abdomen protrudes excessively.' - As mentioned in Wikipedia, Abdominal obesity.

Causes of stomach fat
Excess calories and hormonal changes are the reasons for stomach fat. Sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise too can cause belly fat.

Waist to hip ratio
The common misconception, that only visibly over-weight and obese people have belly fat, needs to be debunked. Belly fat can attack anyone, whether skinny or fat. What does this mean? As mentioned earlier, visceral fat is the real belly fat we are discussing here, and the real belly fat that puts you at risk of many diseases. This is due to the inflammatory properties of visceral fat as it constricts important body-regulating hormones in your abdominal region.

More than the weighing scale, a better measure of how much belly fat an individual has, is the waist to hip ratio. You'll be surprised to know that several, seemingly thin people have a poor waist to hip ratio, which puts them at risk of the same heart diseases and other ailments usually associated with obesity. So what's a good waist to hip ratio? Here's a table:

How to measure: Divide your waist measurement at its narrowest point by your hip measurement at its widest point.

Male Female Health Risk Based Solely on WHR
0.95 or below 0.80 or below Low risk
0.96 to 1.0 0.81 to 0.85 Moderate risk
1.0+ 0.85+ High risk

Why is belly fat worse than fat stored in any other part of the body?
This brings us to the difference between visceral and subcutaneous fat. Subcutaneous fat helps in the supply of oxygen. It acts like a cushioning effect if you fall or experience impact. It also serves as a store house of energy. Excess subcutaneous fat will give you the flabby arms, thighs etc and is easily burned off with exercise rather than diet.

Visceral fat only increases your waist line, choking and tightening your internal organs. As you will see later visceral fat is linked to cardiovascular diseases and cancer.

Thin individuals too have visceral fat; if you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there. If you plan to lose weight based only on a diet rather than exercise you have a higher deposit of internal fat around internal organs. Hence even thin people are prone to diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.

Link between visceral fat and cardiovascular diseases
Visceral fat is responsible for inflammation in the body, which in turn is linked to heart diseases. 'Excess VAT is accompanied by elevated triglycerides, reduced high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, elevated blood pressure, and/or elevated fasting plasma glucose.' (Source)

These high levels are an indicator of cardiovascular diseases, but physical activity and diet can help you control the risk of heart diseases.

Link between visceral fat and cancer
Since visceral fat leads to the inflammation of the body, it is linked to cancer too, especially colon cancer. Visceral fat contains an immune cell macrophages, which produces a hormone Cytokines that causes cancer.

This hormone 'can increase oxidative stress and boost free radical production and they can disturb insulin function.' (Source) High levels of insulin can cause cancer.

Prevention of visceral fat
- Losing weight the healthy way.

- De-stressing by meditation and breathing exercises.

- Drinking plenty of water to flush out salt from the tissues so as to feel lighter and not bloated.

- Eating a proper diet by including anti-inflammatory foods like oats, wheat bran, brown rice, green vegetables, fruits, green tea, nuts, fish etc and avoid inflammatory foods like refined cereals, sweets, fried foods etc.

- Liposuction removes subcutaneous fat and not the visceral fat because it is too close to the internal organs, which would make it unsafe.

Fitness: Ways to a flat stomach
The simple science behind six pack abs is that they exist in everybody. It's just when you start putting on more body fat that these abs disappear. A combination of two major muscles transversus abdominis and rectus abdominis muscles make up what we consider to be our 'abs' zone.

These muscles are buried under the front and side of torso mucles and exist around your midsection like a girdle. Now, if you ate a healthy diet comprising of lean proteins, balanced carbs and less, yet good, fats, you would enter a zone with minimal superficial body fat, and your muscles would become visible, resulting in six pack abs.

Diet: Ways to a flat stomach
Protein: When you regularly eat healthy sources of lean proteins such as chicken, beans, fish, and soy, you find yourself losing body fat and at the same time giving shape to your body.

Stay hydrated: When we are well hydrated the basal metabolic rate of our body goes up; this would mean that our body is able to digest the food we eat in a proper manner, the food is used to burn sufficient calories required by the body and thus you end up with a nice flat belly to improve your figure.

Fiber: The main function of fiber is to clean our system deep within, help propel our bowel movements and thus form the basis of detoxification of our body. Most astonishing is the fact that when we consume fiber, our body burns ample calories in the digestion process of fiber.

Stay away from fruit juices, alcohol and fruit punches for a flat belly

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Samsung patents 'transparent dual-side screen'

Samsung patents 'transparent dual-side screen'

Samsung patents 'transparent dual-side screen'
Samsung has reportedly patented a technology for a transparent touchscreen that would allow users to control the phone from both sides.
WASHINGTON: Samsung has reportedly patented a technology for a transparent touchscreen that would allow users to control the smartphone from both the sides.
This isn't the first time that techies have aimed at exploring the possibilities of having a transparent touch screen as seen recently with the introduction of Yotaphone that has a standard touchscreen on the front and e-paper display on the back.
However, Samsung's patent takes the technology to the next level as it explores the possibility of a transparent screen with front and rear visibility and touch controls.
The patent describes a phone that would have a single screen and look similar to today's phones, but the display would have a degree of transparency and users can control it without having to turn it over, Fox News reports.
Possible uses of the tech include tapping behind a folder of apps to open it up, and dragging icons around without the finger obscuring their positions or more secure ways of unlocking the phone and video controls being transferred to the rear of the movie, the report added.

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