Monday 23 December 2013

Social Networks, Referrals Are India Inc’s Hiring Hotspots

Social Networks, Referrals Are India Inc’s Hiring Hotspots
Social Networks, Referrals Are India Inc’s Hiring Hotspots
Employee referrals and direct hiring channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and company websites, considered fads at one time, now contribute 70% to 90% of hires for companies.

The once-dominant HR consultants now hire only for critical and niche roles, adding just up to 20% of the overall pool of hires and resulting in huge cost savings for organisations.
“Due to the slowdown, companies have turned more aggressively towards internal and cost effective channels. It works better as they can wait for a good fit, unlike in a booming market,” says Shiv Agrawal, MD, ABC Consultants. Sectors where these channels are used more often are information technology, IT-enabled services, telecom, BFSI and start-ups. And the benefits work both ways.
Employees too are motivated to refer others due to cash incentives, rewards in kind, the satisfaction of getting someone a job and the opportunity to work with like-minded people. The trend has picked up over the past two to three years, post the Lehman Brothers collapse, as companies began looking for cost-effective, efficient avenues for hiring.
If Aircel gets more than 90% of its hires through referrals, LinkendIn, Facebook, direct walk-ins and unsolicited emails, Cognizant gets 80% to 85% of recruits, Crisil 75% to 80% and EXL, 73% through non-consultant channels. Companies like Aircel report saving up to 70% in recruitment costs annually.
“Most companies have institutionalised the process for hiring across levels. People mostly scout for talent through their links with business heads across organisations on LinkedIn, for instance, and ask for referrals amongst their contacts,” says Mohinish Sinha, leader, leadership and talent practice, Hay Group, India.
Social networks, referrals are India Inc’s hiring hotspots
“Employee referrals work faster than consultants,” says Aircel’s chief human resource officer, Sandeep Gandhi. The turnaround time for closing a position is lesser in case of referrals as recruiters don’t need to spend time convincing the candidate, he adds. 
Aircel has hired around seven candidates for positions of GM and above in the past three to six months and has reduced its dependence on HR consultants for filling vacant positions to 7% from 30% in 2010. Of the 90 positions that get filled every month, 45 are through referrals.
Across organisations, the incentives for referring candidates are lucrative. Aircel offers a cash reward of Rs 10,000 per hire. EXL (with 43% coming through referrals) gives a cash reward of Rs 4000-15,000, gold and silver coins and cars.
Cognizant’s referral programme, called ‘Bring Another You’, contributes 40% of the total pool of employees, and offers cash prizes of .`5000-50,000, paid vacation, cars and even double referral money for niche, hardto-find skills.
At Cognizant, recruitment through referrals has increased by 10% to 15% in the past three years. “Referrals help shorten the due diligence process as compared to other modes; retain the organisational culture as most referred candidates have a fair amount of background knowledge about the company, and get people with the right skills and experience in a relatively shorter time,” says Sriram Rajagopal, vice president, human resources, Cognizant.
Referrals provide higher joining rates, better performance ratings and higher interview-to-offer conversions as compared to other channels of recruitment, he adds. “The conversion rate for offers made through our employee referral programme is 10% to 15% more than those made through recruitment firms,” says Rajagopal.
Besides a more focused use of recruiter and management time, candidates – especially at senior levels stay on longer – than those who join through other recruitment modes, he says.
Other direct channels such as company websites and walk-ins too have been effective in bringing down the dependence on HR consultants for recruitment. At EXL, they provide 29% of candidates. “For the past three years, we have been able to sustain a very high level of direct hiring,” says Madhavi Dahanukar, SVP & head of HR, global business delivery & center head, Pune for EXL.
Rating agency Crisil gets almost 35% of its hires through postings on its company website, more than the 30% it gets through referrals. The company has designed an interface and an automated CV screening process.
“If the design is not efficient, recruiters could get lost in the sea of resumes,” says G Ravishankar, president, HR. Despite the relative success of direct hiring methods, it’s not the end of the road for staffing and placement firms.
“Direct channels have their limitations. Employee referral is a limited pool of resource, and while social or professional networks have grown phenomenally, at some level, crowded networks don’t work effectively,” says K Sudarshan, managing partner, EMA Partners International, India.
While direct channels are more effective at the entry and middle levels, at the senior level, “people do not communicate about opportunities easily to strangers, but are more comfortable with search firms,” he adds.

The market is currently facing a low tide with companies using internal hiring sources to the fullest but when the tide turns, fishing in a small pond (referrals and direct channels) will not work much, says Manish Sabharwal, chairman, TeamLease. “Most people, especially at the top, are passive job seekers and it needs a lot of ground work to convince them for a switch.”

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3 Off-Beat Jobs That Would be Fun to Do

3 Off-Beat Jobs That Would be Fun to Do
3 Off-Beat Jobs That Would be Fun to Do
If surfing, just roaming around in your city or gardening is what you want to continue doing, you could just be the candidate that corporates are looking for.

If sitting behind a desk all day is not your idea of work, consider these new career options mushrooming in the corporate world. 
“With increased relocations and greater internet penetration, companies are on the lookout for specialized skills that address their immediate requirements. Several of these would have not been looked on as a serious job at all a year back. But today they are much in demand,’’ says Upender Walia, CEO, WinfoTech Communications. 
Take the case of a title like CLO, it stands for Chief Listening Officer, and  job is to listen to what people are saying online about the brand, the products and the services.
It is different than tracking online forums and conversations, as it is primarily focused on customer redressals and other issues with regards to the company’s products or services. 
“The first CLO was hired about a couple of years back in the US, for a well known online shopping site. And today with its entrance into the Indian market the requirement for this job is increasing as more organisations depend on social media platforms to market their products and conduct research,’’ says Walia. 
Relocation or Mobility Consultants
This is an excellent job for those who are familiar with their city, and enjoy handling a plethora of responsibilities associated with relocation.  These include looking for homes in areas as per specifications, helping get admission details from schools and organizing parent-child and principal meetings if required, help organize maids, chauffers, et al. 
“As more and more professionals are open to relocation, families are often forced to move to new and often unfamiliar cultures. And this is not restricted to non-Indians alone. Often the families of expats or NRIs return to a city that has dramatically changed.  And this is where the Relocation or Mobility Consultant comes in handy,’’ says B. Karthik, COO, PassionConnect, a company that promotes alternate careers among the youth. “It is the job of the consultant to make the transition and relocation as smooth as possible.’’ 
The Greens Manager and Consultant
Companies have greenery, indoors and outdoors. Also several companies in Bangalore encourage employees to adopt a plot of land in the premises and grow plants. In the last couple of years employees have opted to grow vegetable gardens in these areas.  As the name suggests the Greens manager or consultant is responsible for the greenery. 
“The primary job of the employees is to work for the company and not do gardening. So while the employees are at their jobs, it is the Green Consultant’s responsibility to see that the gardens, (kitchen or otherwise) are well maintained, grown organically with suitable fertilizers and pesticides, with close interaction with the relevant employee,’’ says Karthik. 

“All these jobs have only one thing in common: a passion to do the job the individual loves over and over again. Recognizing this and hiring suitable people who fit the bill is the key,’’ he continues.

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How Long Does Your CV Have To Get You A Job?

How Long Does Your CV Have To Get You A Job?
How Long Does Your CV Have To Get You A Job?
The recruiter does not have the whole day to go through your entire CV, diligently.
He/she probably has a heap of other resumes to go through, not to mention, their other organisational responsibilities. They might not have an extensive attention span as well. You only have a small window to grab your recruiter’s attention, with your CV. So, how small is this window? Read on…
Rahul Raj, TimesJobs.com Bureau
According to Jacob Jacob, chief people officer, Apollo Hospital Enterprises Limited, a good recruiter will not spend more than a minute to analyse a resume. Usually a recruiter will make a decision on short listing a candidate, within 5 minutes of having gone through a resume.
“I generally spend more time on relevant CV than irrelevant CV. You can make out an irrelevant CV by just glancing at the information provided. On relevant CV, I usually spend 5-10 minutes,” stated Sanjeev Dixit, chief people officer, Allied Blenders and Distillers.
Aparna Sharma, country head-HR, Lafarge India Pvt Ltd, emphasised that she spend 10 – 15 minutes on a resume, while skimming through the entire resume.
However, the scenario is quite different for senior professionals. They do not have to worry about this window of opportunity, as they have already proved their mettle and have created a strong position for themselves in their domain. “When candidates are reviewed for senior executive and C-suite positions, recruiters spend significant amount of time in not only understanding the role’s requirement but also a disproportionate amount of time with the candidate and the expertise they are bringing to the table,” stated Aditya Narayan Mishra, president-Staffing, Randstad India.
For all the other cases, during first level screening and when recruiting in large volumes, he believes that recruiters generally have one or two minutes to go through the candidate’s profile. They look for the relevance of the candidate’s past experience and then pass it for further screening where more time is spent in reviewing.

He suggested that, irrespective of the fact that you’re a senior executive or a fresher, you should take extreme care and put in required effort to impress the recruiter in the first one or two minutes. You can’t have a lazy attitude while drafting your resume and should invest time or take professional help to craft an impeccable resume.

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Nokia will make us stronger: Microsoft India chairman

Nokia will make us stronger: Microsoft India chairman

Nokia will make us stronger: Microsoft India chairman
Microsoft India chairman expects the company to accelerate growth on the back of mobile devices and greater touchscreen penetration.

Bhaskar Pramanik , chairman of Microsoft India, wants to change the perception that Microsoft is all about Office and Windows. In an interview with J Srikant, Pramanik said he expects the company to accelerate growth on the back of mobile devices, greater penetration of touchscreens and services around the company's software. Here are the edited excerpts:

How are you changing the perception that Microsoft is basically about Office and Windows software?
I worry about this all the time. If you think about Office today, it's a productivity and collaboration tool and content management system. Excel does better analytics for a user than anything that Oracle or SAP throw at it. So that is the challenge.

When people think of Office, they think about Word or simple spreadsheet or PowerPoint. But the fact is today Office is about content creation. And when you have a share option, it becomes a collaborative tool.

Unfortunately, we are typecast as someone who does spell check, creates a PowerPoint presentation. It is much more beyond that. Excel for example has also evolved over time and I think most users only use 20-30 % of its capabilities. 

Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 work best on a touchscreen environment. But the penetration of such devices is still low in India?
If you look at Diwali sales this year, 26% of the devices in the retail stores were touchscreens, that is up from 5% to 10%. If you look at January to March, it is going to be that much higher, including tablets. What we saw in Diwali, it was more convertibles. Going forward, it is going to be a plethora of tablets of 8-inch and 10-inch screens. You will also see convertibles, ultrabooks, desktop PCs also moving to touch. And once you have done touch, you don't want a non-touch device anymore . So it is just a question of adoption and trying it out. 

Apart from application development and operating systems, are there any other platforms, Microsoft will focus on in India like cloud?
If you think about the software market, devices and cloud, we address everything, that is, hardware, software and services.

The software is now moving more towards services. Now, we have the opportunity to address the larger chunk of the $42-billion (Rs 2.6-lakh crore) market that exists for software in India. Our strategy is accelerating growth and we will do it through devices and services. We are the best at selling software to individuals. In small and medium business space, it is all about new customer acquisition. Especially with cloud and devices, it is a huge opportunity.

As for the consumer, we have only touched a tip of the iceberg. We are trying to grow muscle here and with Nokia's acquisition, we will be even stronger. We are very good in PCs but in tablets we have a very small and insignificant market share. We need to grow that.

How many employees does Microsoft have in India? How do you look at the hiring in the current environment?
We have more than 6,000 employees working for Microsoft in India. We hire quite a few people. I don't have the exact number, but over the past two years, we have been hiring not just for India but global offices as well. We are one of the companies which are in the top institutes on the first day

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Apple, Google buses blocked by protesters

Apple, Google buses blocked by protesters

Apple, Google buses blocked by protesters
Protesters blocked buses said to be operated by Google and Apple, in protest of the tech industry's impact on affordable housing.

SAN FRANCISCO: Protesters blocked buses said to be operated by Google and Apple in San Francisco and Oakland on Friday, the latest sign of a growing backlash against the booming tech industry's impact, especially on access to affordable housing in the region.

About 40 protesters surrounded a corporate bus in the Mission district as it was picking up employees for the morning commute, preventing it from leaving for about 30 minutes.

The company for which the bus was headed was not immediately clear. A small sign in the front window said only "Main Campus, Ridgeview." An Internet search showed that Apple has offices on Ridgeview Court, not far from its headquarters in Cupertino, California, 40 miles (64 km) south of San Francisco.

Two Google buses in Oakland were also targeted by protesters on Friday morning, a source familiar with the matter told Reuters.

"We want the ruling class, which is becoming the tech class, to listen to our voices and listen to the voices of folks that are being displaced," said a protester in San Francisco who addressed the crowd by loudspeaker from the back of a pickup truck parked in front of the bus.

Protesters unfurled a banner that read "Eviction Free San Francisco" and distributed flyers titled "San Francisco: A tale of two cities."

Apple declined to comment.

Google said in a statement that the company does not want to cause any inconvenience to Bay Area residents. "We and others in our industry are working with San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency to agree on a policy on shuttles in the city."

The buses have become among the most visible symbols of what some complain is the technology-driven gentrification of San Francisco, with young, well-paid tech workers forcing out less affluent residents, and city policies that some critics have said are too generous to the tech industry.

Twitter, which won an exemption on the city's 1.5% payroll tax after it threatened to leave San Francisco in 2011, has been a frequent target of critics.

Bus advocates have said they ease traffic on already clogged highways as workers give up driving their cars to ride the buses, which usually have plush seats and Wi-Fi.

Opponents have said the buses crowd municipal bus stops and remove potential customers from cash-strapped public transportation systems, including regional rail services.

Earlier this month, protesters in San Francisco blocked a Google bus in the same neighborhood.

While Friday's protest in San Francisco seemed aimed at the tech industry in general, the protests in Oakland seemed to be more specifically targeted at Google. A photo posted on Twitter by a Google employee inside the bus showed two people outside holding a banner that read "F*** Off Google."

Another photo he posted showed what appeared to be a smashed window on the Google bus.

Sarah Sherburn-Zimmer, one of the organizers of the protest in San Francisco said she was aware that other people were planning bus protests in Oakland on Friday, but that the group was not affiliated with the San Francisco protest.

"The only real connection is that most of our communities are being heavily displaced and people are very angry," she said.

Rents in San Francisco have surged. The median rent on a two-bedroom apartment rose 10% over the last year to $3,250, according to online real-estate company Trulia.

Evictions rose 25% to 1,716 in the 12 months ended in February 2013, according to a report by San Francisco's budget and legislative analyst.

A recent study by Bay Area Council Economic Institute found that for each job created in the tech industry, roughly 4.3 other jobs are created, such as dentists, teachers and cooks. That statistic was questioned by some of the protesters.

"The one thing that I do see is actually less people making more money, and they're not from here," said Lisa Garcia, who works with Poor magazine and participated in Friday's protest.

Tech workers have been good for business, said a man who identified himself as Hishal and the owner of Muddy's Coffee House, which is near a bus stop used by tech buses. "They are good people." But, he said, tech companies should pay the city when their buses use public bus stops.

"It's not fair that a lot of companies are using the infrastructure of the city without having to pay," he said

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Shocked that South Africa didn't go for win: Kohli

Shocked that South Africa didn't go for win: Kohli

Shocked that South Africa didn't go for win: Kohli
"We had our plans and that was going for the wickets but to see them not going for that score was pretty surprising for all of us," said Virat Kohli. (AP Photo)

JOHANNESBURG: Young Indian batsmanVirat Kohli on Sunday said the Indian team was 'shocked' that the hosts did not go for victory in the dying moments of the match, which ended in an exciting draw. 

The Proteas fell short by eight runs in a pulsatingTest match, finishing at 450 for seven, while chasing 458 for victory at Wanderers. 

"Everyone was pretty shocked honestly, we didn't think that they would stop going for the score because with eight runs an over and with Philander striking the ball pretty well and he can bat, we have seen that in the past," Kohli, who was adjudged Man-of-the-match for scoring 215 runs in two innings, said. 

"I don't know what happened. We had our plans and that was going for the wickets but to see them not going for that score was pretty surprising for all of us. 

"In the end, it was a very enjoyable Test match. It was a fair finish for this Test match. The way this match has been played over the last four days, pretty competitive with both teams coming back pretty strongly in one session or the other, it was a fair finish," Kohli added, outlining team India's happiness at the draw achieved. 

India were denied by Faf du Plessis and AB de Villiers as they shared a 205 run partnership for the fifth wicket. Both batsmen went on to complete their respective hundreds as South Africa edged closer to the win. But their dismissal changed the match. 

"It was a weird situation in today's play from the beginning. There were a lot of ups and downs throughout the day. Early on we got two quick wickets in the first session and we thought that another couple of wickets in the second session would have been perfect for us but AB and Faf batted brilliantly, especially Faf not having scored runs in the first innings. To bat under pressure like that shows so much character. Of course AB has always been a world-class player and there is no doubt about it." 

"Both of them batted brilliantly and AB's dismissal just opened up things for us and then when we got JP (Duminy) out, we thought we will win the game. Then Vernon (Philander) came and struck a few boundaries and then we thought that we are on the back-foot again. When we ran out Faf we thought we will win again and it was just too much going on in the end," said Kohli, describing the emotional roller-coaster that was the final day's play. 

"We showed great character to come back taking three wickets in the end. This team never backs off. Obviously you are playing against the number one team in the world and you can expect that from them. It is not easy to defeat them in a Test match and they keep coming back. But to come back that way and get those wickets in that last session is commendable," he added. 

Team India's hopes were really dashed when the post-lunch session was played out by du Plessis and de Villiers. That proved to be the difference in the end, as the latter few wickets fell quickly once those two got out. 

"It was a pretty tough situation to be in and I feel sorry for the captain who is in that sort of situation and you know MS Dhoni was pretty good in handling that and that's his biggest quality, his calmness in those situations. He never let the guys believe that the things are going into a desperate mode. He kept the guys pretty calm and we knew one or two mistakes are going to open up things and we came back beautifully," he said. 

Ultimately, in a see-saw Test match, India were able to come out on top after being ahead of the game and their opponents for the majority of this game. Perhaps it will give the team a lot of confidence going into the second Test at Durban, starting December 26, especially after they were written-off before the series. 

"The kind of team that we have now, with a lot of young players in this team, we can be proud of how we played this Test match. The guys have showed character all through-out and if you see the first innings, we showed character when we batted and then with the ball. 

We played brilliant in the second innings and dominated four days of the Test match. Every single person in this team is hungry to go out there and win a game for their country and their team and that is the biggest factor that has changed the way we played in the last one year. We are a group of inexperienced cricketers, but smart cricketers, and we are very desperate to perform," he signed off.

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Friday 20 December 2013

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Brandon Hudson

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Thursday 19 December 2013

Google Glass software update brings wink to snap, YouTube uploads and more

Google Glass software update brings wink to snap, YouTube uploads and moreSurgeon_Google_Glass_ap_635.jpg

Google Glass on Tuesday announced updates to the software in its Internet-linked eyewear to allow users to snap pictures by winking.
The new feature, which promises to escalate privacy concerns already being voiced about the high-tech gadget, came as one of an array of improvements.
"We've got a new setting that lets you quickly and easily capture the moments you care about with a simple wink of the eye," Google Glass posted on its Google+ social network page.
"We're starting with pictures, but just think about what else is possible," the message continued.
Notions put forth included Glass wearers someday paying for cab rides by winking at meters or buying something in a shop with a blink.
Updates included letting owners lock eyewear so it can't be used unless a person knows the right "handshake" of swipes and taps.
The "Glassware" code powering the eyewear was also modified to upload video directly to Google-owned video-sharing venue YouTube.
"Glass is about helping you look up and experience the world around you without getting bogged down by technology," Google said.
The high-tech accouterment lets wearers take pictures, record video, send messages or perform other tasks with touch controls or by speaking commands. It connects to the Internet using Wi-Fi hot spots or being wirelessly tethered to mobile phones.
FacebookTwitter and major news organizations have already tailored applications for Google Glass, which has only been made available to developers and a limited selection of "explorers" who paid $1,500 each for the eyewear.
Envisioned uses range from practical tasks such as shopping or delivering local weather reports to sharing real time video streams or playing augmented reality games in which the world is the board.
Google has not announced a public release date for Google Glass but speculation centers around early 2014.

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Logitech India unveils accessories for iPad Air, iPad mini with Retina display

Logitech India unveils accessories for iPad Air, iPad mini with Retina display

Logitech has announced its first set of accessories in India for the recently unveiled Apple tablets, the iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display. The new devices include Ultrathin Keyboard Cover, Ultrathin Keyboard Folio and Folio Protective Case for iPad Air. For iPad mini with Retina display, the company has announced Ultrathin Keyboard Folio and Folio Protective Case.
Speaking at the launch, Mr. Subrotah Biswas, Country Director of Logitech India and South West Asia, said, "We feel proud to announce the launch of new range of products to perfectly complement the aesthetics of iPad Air and iPad mini with Retina display. With perfect blend of colourful skins, Logitech is living up to our legacy of stylish and productive designs."
The Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for iPad Air provides an aluminium screen cover and doubles as a wireless keyboard. The built-in Bluetooth keyboard comes with dedicated iOS shortcut keys such as Cut, Copy and Paste and a magnetic clip that secures your tablet, as well as a magnetic groove located behind the keyboard that can hold your iPad upright. The keyboard is rechargeable via a Micro-USB port and can last up to three months on a complete charge, as per Logitech's claim. The Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover for iPad Air is available at Rs. 6,995.
The Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Folio for the iPad Air (Rs. 6,495) and the Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Folio for iPad mini (Rs. 5,795) come with an integrated Bluetooth keyboard and a dual-view stand that can hold your iPad upright or flat, while the SecureLock system helps ensure your iPad stays fastened to the frame. The keyboard is also rechargeable through Micro-USB and comes with a backup similar to the Ultrathin Keyboard Cover.
The Folio Protective Case for iPad Air and Folio Protective Case for iPad mini are Logitech's thinnest and lightest folios that come with a water-repellant skin for two-sided protection against bumps, scratches and spills. They also use the SecureLock system and the folios double up as an adjustable stand that can hold your iPad in several positions, from nearly flat to fully upright and many angles in between. Cases for both iPad models are priced at an identical Rs. 2,495.

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Samsung Galaxy S5 to come with 2K display, eye-scanning sensor: Report

Samsung Galaxy S5 to come with 2K display, eye-scanning sensor: Reportsamsung-iris-scanner-rumour-635.jpg

Samsung at its Analyst Day event in Korea had revealed plans for launching devices with a screen resolution of 1440x2560 pixels (2K) next year.
Now, a new report emerging from Korea suggests such a device is already in development, and that the company will announce the alleged smartphone at MWC in February 2014. However, the report does not confirm whether the alleged smartphone with a screen resolution of 1440x2560 pixels (2K) will be the rumoured, and anticipated Galaxy S5.
Earlier this month, a GFXBench listing had revealed a device codenamed Samsung SM-G900S sporting a screen resolution of 1440x2560 pixels (2K). The device was believed to be the Samsung Galaxy S5, which is expected to come with a 5.0- or 5.2-inch display, making the pixel density an incredible 560ppi at the said resolution.
In addition, the report also reveals that the South Korean giant is working on its next line of smartphones that will equip iris recognition or eye-scanning technology for unlocking the phone, authentication etc. Samsung's expected next flagship smartphone (the Galaxy S5) will probably be the first device to pack such a feature. Unfortunately, the report does not reveal many details of the alleged eye-scanning unlock feature.
The eye-scanning/iris-recognition feature has not been introduced on any smartphone (from a major manufacturer) as an unlocking method, and if the rumour is true, Samsung would become the first handset maker to debut the feature on a smartphone. However, there is no official word from Samsung on the alleged eye-scanning feature.
Previously, Apple and HTC have introduced the fingerprint scanner features to the iPhone 5s andOne Max respectively. The fingerprint scanner feature lets users log-in (and authorise payments, etc., on the iPhone 5s) with a swipe of the fingertip.
Some reports have indicated that Samsung may announce the Galaxy S5 as early as January, in a bid to overcome 'disappointing' Galaxy S4 sales.

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LG Chromebase all-in-one computer running Chrome OS announced for CES 2014

LG Chromebase all-in-one computer running Chrome OS announced for CES 2014lg-chromebase-635.jpg

LG has introduced its new Chromebase, an all-in-one computer based on Google's Chrome operating system. The South Korean manufacturer has announced that the Chromebase will be showcased at CES 2014, where one can expect to hear about pricing and availability details.
The LG Chromebase (Model 22CV241), just like Google's Chromebook line, is powered by Chrome OS and comes with Google products such as Gmail, Drive, Search, Maps, YouTube, Play, Google+ and Hangouts.
LG Chromebase comes with a 21.5-inch full-HD (1920 x 1080) IPS display and offers 178-degree viewing angle. It is powered by Intel's fourth generation Celeron processor and has 2GB of RAM. It comes with 16GB SSD inbuilt storage and also sports a 1.3-megapixel 720p webcam. The all-in-one computer from LG features built-in 5W speakers. Connectivity options on the LG Chromebase include HDMI, USB 2.0 (x3), USB 3.0 (x1), and LAN.
Commenting on the launch, Hyoung-sei Park, head of the IT Business Division at LG Electronics said, "Simple to operate for all types of users, the award-winning LG Chromebase computer represents the successful combination of simplicity, power and great design. LG Chromebase is the wave of the future for desktops, expected to be widely adopted not only at home, but especially in schools, hotels, call centers and other business settings."
Google's vice president of product management, Caesar Sengupta said, "LG's Chromebase is an exciting new form factor that expands the options available to customers who want a fast, simple and secure computing experience for the home, school or office."

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iBall Slide 3G Q1035 tablet with voice calling, dual-SIM support launchedin

iBall Slide 3G Q1035 tablet with voice calling, dual-SIM support launched

iBall has expanded its Slide tablet portfolio with the launch of the Slide 3G Q1035 for the Indian market. The tablet is now listed at Rs. 17,999 on company's website.
The iBall Slide 3G Q1035 tablet comes with dual-SIM (GSM+GSM) support with voice-calling and dual standby. It runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and comes with a 10.1-inch IPS HD display with a resolution of 1280x800 pixels. It is powered by 1.2GHz quad-core Cortex A7 processor (unspecified chipset) alongside 1GB of RAM.
The new Slide tablet sports an 8-megapixel rear camera with LED flash, while there is a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. It includes 8GB of inbuilt storage which is further expandable up to 32GB with microSD card. The tablet packs a 6000mAh battery. Connectivity options on the tablet include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Micro-USB and 3G.
Notably, iBall launched the Slide 3G Q1035 tablet under its Edu Slide portfolio in September this year.
Earlier in October, iBall launched the Slide 3G 8072 voice-calling tablet with dual-SIM (GSM+GSM) support at Rs. 11,999. It features an 8-inch display with 1024x768 pixels resolution, and is powered by 1GHz dual core Cortex A9 processor (unspecified chipset). The tablet runs Android 4.1 Jelly Bean out-of-the-box. It comes with 1GB of RAM and includes 4GB inbuilt storage which is further expandable up to 32GB via microSD card. The tablet packs a 4000mAh battery. Connectivity options on the tablet include Wi-Fi and 3G.
iBall Slide 3G Q1035 key specifications
  • 10.1-inch IPS HD display with a resolution of 1280x800 pixels
  • 1.2GHz quad-core Cortex A7 processor
  • 1GB of RAM
  • 8GB of built-in storage, expandable up to 32GB via microSD
  • 8-megapixel rear camera
  • 2-megapixel front camera
  • Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
  • Dual-SIM (GSM+GSM) support

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