Friday 6 December 2013

Twitter to soon be accessible on mobiles without Internet in emerging markets

Twitter to soon be accessible on mobiles without Internet in emerging markets

Twitter Inc is tying up with a Singapore-based startup to make its 140-character messaging service available to users in emerging markets who have entry-level mobile phones which cannot access the Internet.
U2opia Mobile, which has a similar tie-up with Facebook Inc, will launch its Twitter service in the first quarter of next year, Chief Executive and Co-founder Sumesh Menon told Reuters.
Users will need to dial a simple code to get a feed of the popular trending topics on Twitter, he said.
More than 11 million people use U2opia's Fonetwish service, which helps access Facebook andGoogle Talk on mobile without a data connection.
Twitter, which boasts of about 230 million users, held a successful initial public offering last month that valued the company at around $25 billion.
U2opia uses a telecom protocol named USSD, or Unstructured Supplementary Service Data, which does not allow viewing of pictures, videos or other graphics.
"USSD as a vehicle for Twitter is almost hand in glove because Twitter has by design a character limit, it's a very text-driven social network," Menon said.
Eight out of 10 people in emerging markets are still not accessing data on their phone, he said.
U2opia, which is present in 30 countries in seven international languages, will localize the Twitter feed according to the location of the user.
"So somebody in Paraguay would definitely get content that would be very very localized to that market vis a vis somebody sitting in Mumbai or Bangalore," he said.
The company, whose biggest markets are Africa and South America, partners with telecom carriers such as Telenor, Vodafone and Bharti Airtel Ltd. U2opia usually gets 30 to 40 percent of what users pay its telecom partners to access Fonetwish.
"For a lot of end users in the emerging markets, it's going to be their first Twitter experience," Menon said.

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Obama says NSA isn't interested in reading people's emails and text messages

Obama says NSA isn't interested in reading people's emails and text messages

President Barack Obama is defending the National Security Agency, saying it does a very good job of not engaging in domestic surveillance.
He was responding to a Washington Post report Thursday that the agency tracks locations of nearly 5 billion cellphones every day overseas, including those of Americans.
In a taped interview aired Thursday on MSNBC's "Hardball with Chris Matthews," Obama says the people who want to hurt the U.S. communicate using modern technologies available on cellphones. He says to do a good job protecting the country, the U.S. needs to "keep eyes on some bad actors."
Still, he says he'll propose "some self-restraint" on the agency after a panel of hand-picked advisers reports back this month.
Obama says the NSA isn't interested in reading people's emails and text messages.

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Wipro to hire 500 people in Kolkata

Wipro to hire 500 people in Kolkata
Wipro to hire 500 people in Kolkata
IT-major Wipro has plans to hire 500 IT professionals in the next 2-3 years as part of expansion in the company’s existing facility in the city.
“We are carrying out the expansion on our existing project and planning to hire 500 people in 2-3 years,” Wipro VP and corporate affairs head, Partha Sarathi Guha Patra said.
Wipro’s existing project, an SEZ, in the satellite township of Salt Lake employs around 6,500-7,000 people at present.
Speaking on the sidelines of IT conclave ‘INFOCOM 2013′, he said Wipro was working on an alternate proposal for their second campus as the state government was against SEZ in principle.
“It is not possible to match the benefits of SEZs but it is to be seen how much state government can get closer to it,” Patra said.
The company has 50 acres of land but the new government was not ready to offer SEZ status to it.
Meanwhile, speaking about PC hardware business he said the company has decided to exit the business but the land of main unit at Kotdwar, Uttarakhand is been evaluated for alternate use.

The 150 people deployed there would redeployed in the company, he said.

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New startups storm IITs with better pay package

New startups storm IITs with better pay package

New startups storm IITs with better pay package
Startups are storming IITs this placement season, getting the better of established companies in the war for talent.
Many little known startups have already hired quite a few in the first four days of the placement season. ET profiles about half a dozen such new firms.
New startups storm IITs with better pay package

New startups storm IITs with better pay package

New startups storm IITs with better pay package

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‘We look for analytical, reasoning, out-of-the-box thinking ability’

Interview of the Day: ‘We look for analytical, reasoning, out-of-the-box thinking ability’

Interview of the Day: ‘We look for analytical, reasoning, out-of-the-box thinking ability’
Dhivik Reddy, Founder and CEO, Go GreenBOV
Go GreenBOV, a Bengaluru based company, aims to reduce India’s carbon footprint. In conversation with TimesJobs.com, Dhivik Reddy, Founder and CEO, shares the talent agenda and future goals…
How did Go GreenBOV happen?
It all started with my father, Ashok Reddy, who was the first person to bring the LPG conversion kit to India. He was pro green, pro environment and pro saving on fuel costs. He started out from scratch when he came to Bengaluru and got involved with the service centers that he set up. At the time when he started the petrol-gas conversion revolution in India and I was finishing my Electronics Engineering, he asked me if I wanted to do something that would bridge the two. The idea of Go GreenBOV was conceived from the simple idea of making a better environment and to contribute more towards fuel saving.
How diversified is your team in terms of talent and skills?
We do have a diversified and focused team. We have seven engineers, 21 foremen who work in the factory and about another 36 workers and mechanical workforce. What I know is that 99% of them, when they work, give in their 110%. One of our engineers has come in to our team simply because he was engrossed in the going green movement. The team that we have is mostly in structural engineering, electrical engineering and DSP (Digital and Signal Processing) as well as mechanical engineers. We also have a marketing team and finance team who has come to us with over 4-5 years experience.
We have a diverse team with a lot of mechanical engineering experience, finance, franchisee operations experience and more. We also have a few retired personnel who hail from backgrounds like BHEL and Pratt & Whitney. Our board of advisors includes professors from premier science and technology institutes. For our research and design we have been working with a lot of institutions and young talent.
What are some of the best practices implemented by you to attract, engage and retain talent?
Since we’ve been working with a lot of institutions we’ve actually been attracting a lot of young talent. Since this is a product based company we have seen a surge in applications to us, but we are being very selective about whom we hire. We are definitely keeping it very youth oriented when we hire. We have a hierarchy system where the people need to get approvals from their higher-ups. As it goes higher the work and selection gets refined – we think of it like a sedimentation system. Retaining talent depends on how we engage with our employees. We have training programmes for managers on how to handle their teams. I know every single person who’s working in the office and who’s working on what. It’s a great thing when everyone is approachable. Our attrition rate is really low, it would be too high if I said three people quit every year, which makes us feel nice that people are here with a mission and a vision.
What are the skills that you look out for in a candidate while hiring?
Technical is a vast area to cover and this is more specific to what the candidate has to offer in terms of how he understands the subject best. In terms of soft skills we look for analytical ability, reasoning, out-of-the-box thinking and more on product refining. During our interview we usually give candidates something that is imperfect and ask them to make it perfect. What they have studied is not absolutely important to us, but what we look at are reasoning skills and the ability to create and define. We look at verbal aptitude and do an IQ test and some assessments that we think bring out the best in candidates.
Where do you generally source your talent from?
We give importance to referrals and skill sets. We don’t look out for the best grades really. We look at how passionate the candidate is. People usually write to us on our website to apply for a job and we ask them to come in for interviews.

Your advice for young aspiring entrepreneurs…

Entrepreneurship is one of the best journeys that anyone can take. What you learn on running a start-up for two years might be something that you will learn in 10 years working in a company. I would advise young entrepreneurs to take that leap of faith, whatever the idea is. You might end up losing everything that you have or you might gain something out of it but one thing that can’t be taken away from you is the experience you gain in that process of losing or gaining.

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Best exercises for a flat stomach

Best exercises for a flat stomach

Best exercises for a flat stomach
Best exercises for a flat stomach (Thinkstock photos/Getty Images)

A bulging stomach is a problem area for most mortals. Even those who are naturally thin tend to develop a paunch as they step into their 30s

Our stomachs store fat for a number of reasons; these reasons range from the genetic to plain abuse of food and drink, with little to no exercise. Often, those who invest heavily in exercise and diet to banish the bulging stomach, do so with a vague and incorrect idea of what is needed for a flat stomach. Today, we give you a few exercises that will strengthen and create lean abdominal muscles, help you eliminate a flabby belly and give you a flat stomach that helps you fight disease and ill-health. 

The key to a flat stomach is combination 

To kick that tummy fat, simply belting away crunches or pushups is not enough. A solo act can't lead to a flat tummy or fat loss. Fitness expert, Sophia Yasmin says, "In my opinion spot reduction is not possible, there is no way to target a particular part of the body for fat loss." 

Your goal should be to build muscle, and focus on fat loss. Whether you are able to drop weight before attempting muscle toning, or tone muscle and then cut fat, depends entirely on how overweight you are, and how many inches you need to lose. 

Follow patterned full body exercises like skipping and running to burn energy at an elevated heartrate. The kind of food you eat also helps to cut down that visible and visceral fat. A balanced healthy diet is essential for stomach fat loss. 

Drink plenty of water and stay off from stress and anxiety and limit your salt intake. Besides get enough sleep to kick your belly fat. 

Mentioned ahead are exercises that will help get a flat stomach. 

Note: These exercises will only help you get rid of stomach fat if you practise them in combination with a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet. 

Funky standing abs 

This is one of the best and easiest exercises to begin with. Stand with your feet below your shoulders, and then tighten your abs slowly bending your knees. 

Tilt your pelvis forward, so that your back is curved. Come back to the centre and tilt pelvis backward. Perform this exercise 15 times on either side, or as your workout permits. 

Chair leg lifts 

Perform this exercise using any kind of chair. 

All you have to do is, sit straight with your back flat against the chair, place your hands on the seat of your chair, then slowly lift your knees towards your chest and slowly restore them back. 

Carry out slow breathing while doing this. Perform this 2 set exercise at least 10-15 times. 


This is a good exercise for upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles. Begin by lying flat on the ground, with your feet placed firmly on the ground, clasp your hands behind your head. 

Raise your upper body by squeezing your abdominal muscles and when you are halfway through, hold on for 3 seconds. 

Then bring back your body back to floor, slowly. Do at least 30 crunches per set. 

Perpendicular exercise 

Lie flat on your back, with your hands behind your back. Breathe out, as you lift your legs over your hips so they are perpendicular to the floor; slightly extend the distance between your legs. 

Breathe in as you lower down your legs. Start up with 4 to 5 sets, and then increase it to 10. 

Dumbbell bends 

This exercise is useful for your oblique muscles. Start with grabbing a dumbbell, holding it in your right hand; see to it that your palm is facing your body. 

Your feet should be at a shoulder-width distance. Slowly place your left hand on your hip and bend your upper body towards the right, while keeping your head and body facing forward. 

Bring back your body to normal position and then repeat the same movement on the left side. Practice 20 repetitions. 

Bicycle exercise 

Bicycle is the best exercise for toning your stomach. It helps by keeping your stomach stable, along with movements, which burns fat. 

Perform this exercise by lying on the floor, place your hands behind your head and bring your knees off the floor. 

Bring your right elbow towards your left knee while performing cycling motion, and then switch your elbow position. 

Side exercise 

This exercise targets your oblique, core muscles and shoulders. Stand straight, with your feet at approximately the width of your hips. Slowly bend your knees and hold dumbbells in each hand. 

Lift your hands up, so that the dumbbells are above your head and relax. Then lean your arms, head and torso to the right till 2 counts, then come back to the original position and then repeat it to the left side. 

Carry out at least 10 repetitions. 


Lie on the floor, with your face down, upper body supported on your forearms. Raise your entire body off the floor, with the support of your forearms and toes form a straight line. 

Carry out 3 repetitions, with 15 to 20 seconds hold. 

Clock exercise 

To carry out this exercise, you may need an exercise ball. Rest your back on the ball with your feet aligned with your hips. 

Stretch your arms over your head, contracting your abdominal muscles, and then rotate your body like a clock. Carry out 10 rotations in each side.

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Infosys debates hiving out products business

Infosys debates hiving out products business

Infosys debates hiving out products business
Narayana Murthy is said to have reopened the debate on whether the company should hive off its products, platforms and solutions (PPS) business into a separate entity.

BANGALORE: Infosys chairman N R Narayana Murthy is said to have reopened the debate on whether the company should hive off its products, platforms and solutions (PPS) business into a separate entity.

The division accounts for about 5.5% of Infosys's over $7 billion revenue. The IT company's vision under its 3.0 strategy has been to raise it to 33%, but three years into this strategy, the PPS needle has barely moved.

Several current and former senior executives of the company said discussions on the subject had been initiated, but it was difficult to predict which way the decision will finally go. None wanted to be named. Infosys declined to comment on the story.

Similar discussions had happened around the time 3.0 was formulated, but the dominant view then was to keep it within the larger services entity. Given the slow progress of the division since then, the arguments for a hive-off may gather strength.

The primary argument for a hive-off is that the culture and compensation structure of a products business has to be vastly different from that of a services entity.

"Selling products is a different skill set than selling services. It requires a team with a different DNA to be successful," said Ray Wang, principal analyst and founder of Constellation Research.

A former Infosys executive said the business needed to be made independent. "You have to create IPs, you have to work like a startup, you have to have a better compensation structure. And you can't have that if you are inside a services company," he said.

Arup Roy, research director in Gartner, said a product-oriented approach required a longer gestation period. "You have to invest upfront and the payback cycle is longer, so there is a different cost dynamics. Operating metrics, resources and R&D focused approach requires a different organizational structure," he said.

Infosys has had great success with the banking product Finacle that it launched in 2000. It has an estimated two-thirds share of commercial banks in India and significant shares in Africa and Asia. It is used by 168 banks across 81 countries, and it forms over 4% of Infosys's total revenue. But this also means that the rest of the PPS division, which now consists of over a dozen products and platforms, accounts for a mere 1.5% of revenue, despite the focus in recent years.

Infosys has said that acquisitions would be important for PPS to make a leap. "But it will be difficult to integrate a product acquisition into a company that is largely a services one. Even for acquisitions, it would be better to have the division as a separate entity," an industry analyst said.

Some believe that having it as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the parent company would also be shortsighted. "In products and IP creation, you need to incentivize employees with stock options, and for that to make any sense, you have to enable a structure that gives the entity its own valuation. Otherwise it will carry the valuation of the parent company. What then will be the incentive for an employee to move from the services side to the product side? So you need to bring a separate investor into the subsidiary," an analyst said.

But most also believe that the products and platforms business will have to continue to work closely with the services side. "I think it's really important for Infosys to have their PPS division. You need products and IP in the new world of services in order to scale growth and not be perceived as just a body shop," Wang said.

"IT services, BPO, and products should each be distinctive, but at the same time feed into each others commonalities, and must be led by consulting," an analyst said.

Division talk

Products, platforms and solutions business accounts for 5.5% of over $7bn revenue

3.0 strategy aims at raising it to 33%, but 3 yrs on there is little progress

One argument for hive-off is products biz culture has to be different from that of services entity

One of successful products of Infosys, Finacle, has two-thirds share of banks in India and significant shares in Africa and Asia

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How to protect your Facebook, Twitter account

How to protect your Facebook, Twitter account

How to protect your Facebook, Twitter account
When a malicious hacker gets a password to one account, it's often a stepping stone to a more serious breach.

NEW YORK: Security experts say passwords for more than 2 million Facebook, Google and other accounts have been compromised and circulated online, just the latest example of breaches involving leading Internet companies. 

Some services including Twitter have responded by disabling the affected passwords. But there are several things you can do to minimize further threats -even if your account isn't among the 2 million that were compromised. 

Here are some tips to help you secure your online accounts: 

One thing leads to another
When a malicious hacker gets a password to one account, it's often a stepping stone to a more serious breach, especially because many people use the same passwords on multiple accounts. So if someone breaks into your Facebook account, that person might try the same password on your banking or Amazon account. Suddenly, it's not just about fake messages being posted to your social media accounts. It's about your hard-earned money. 

It's particularly bad if the compromised password is for an email account. That's because when you click on a link on a site saying you've forgotten your password, the service will typically send a reset message by email. People who are able to break into your email account, therefore, can use it to create their own passwords for all sorts of accounts. You'll be locked out as they shop and spend, courtesy of you. 

If the compromised password is one you use for work, someone can use it to break in to your employer's network, where there are files with trade secrets or customers' credit card numbers. 

Better passwords
Many breaches occur because passwords are too easy to guess. There's no evidence that guessing was how these 2 million accounts got compromised, but it's still a good reminder to strengthen your passwords. Researchers at security company Trustwave analyzed the passwords compromised and found that only 5 percent were excellent and 17 percent were good. The rest were moderate or worse. 

What makes a password strong?
* Make them long. The minimum should be eight characters, but even longer is better. 

* Use combinations of letters and numbers, upper and lower case and symbols such as the exclamation mark. Try to vary it as much as you can. "My!PaSsWoRd-32" is far better than "mypassword32." 

*Avoid words that are in dictionaries, as there are programs that can crack passwords by going through databases of known words. These programs know about such tricks as adding numbers and symbols, so you'll want to make sure the words you use aren't in the databases. One trick is to think of a sentence and use just the first letter of each word - as in "tqbfjotld" for "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." 

* Avoid easy-to-guess words, even if they aren't in the dictionary. Avoid your name, company name or hometown, for instance. Avoid pets and relatives' names, too. Likewise, avoid things that can be looked up, such as your birthday or ZIP code. 

One other thing to consider: Many sites let you reset your password by answering a security question, but these answers -such as your pet or mother's maiden name- are possible to look up. So try to make these answers complex just like passwords, by adding numbers and special characters and making up responses. 

A second layer
Many services offer a second level of authentication when you're accessing them from a computer or device for the first time. These services will send you a text message to a phone number on file, for instance. The text message contains a code that you need in addition to your password. The idea is that a hacker may have your password, but won't have ready access to your phone. 

Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter are among the services offering this dual authentication. It's typically an option, something you have to turn on. Do that. It may be a pain, but it will save you grief later. In most cases, you won't be asked for this second code when you return to a computer you've used before, but be sure to decline that option if you're in a public place such as a library or Internet cafe. 

One final thought
Change your passwords regularly. It's possible your account information is already circulating. If you have a regular schedule for changing passwords for major accounts, you reduce the amount of time that someone can do harm with that information. 

You'll need to decide what counts as a major account. Banking and shopping sites are obvious, as are email and social-networking services. It probably doesn't matter much if someone breaks into the account you use to read newspaper articles (unless it's a subscription). 

And strong passwords alone won't completely keep you safe. Make sure your computer is running the latest software, as older versions can have flaws that hackers have been known to exploit. Be careful when clicking on email attachments, as they may contain malicious software for stealing passwords. Use firewalls and other security programs, many of which are available for free

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2 million Google, Facebook, Twitter passwords stolen

2 million Google, Facebook, Twitter passwords stolen

2 million Google, Facebook, Twitter passwords stolen
Security experts have uncovered 2 million stolen passwords to websites like Facebook, Google, Twitter and Yahoo, from internet users.
BOSTON: Security experts have uncovered a trove of some 2 million stolen passwords to websites including Facebook, Google, Twitter and Yahoo from internet users across the globe. 

Researchers with Trustwave's SpiderLabs said they discovered the credentials while investigating a server in the Netherlands that cybercriminals use to control a massive network of compromised computers known as the "Pony botnet." 

The company said that it has reported its findings to the largest of more than 90,000 websites and internet service providers whose customers' credentials it had found on the server. 

The data includes more than 3,26,000 Facebook accounts, some 60,000 Google accounts, more than 59,000 Yahoo accounts and nearly 22,000 Twitter accounts, according to SpiderLabs. Victims' were from the United States, Germany, Singapore and Thailand, among other countries. 

Representatives for Facebook and Twitter said the companies have reset the passwords of affected users. A Google spokeswoman declined comment. Yahoo representatives could not be reached. 

SpiderLabs said it has contacted authorities in the Netherlands and asked them to take down thePony botnet server. 

An analysis posted on the SpiderLabs blog showed that the most-common password in the set was "123456," which was used in nearly 16,000 accounts. Other commonly used credentials included "password," "admin," "123" and "1." 

Graham Cluley, an independent security expert, said it is extremely common for people to use such simple passwords and also re-use them on multiple accounts, even though they are extremely easy to crack. 

"People are using very dumb passwords. They are totally useless," he said.

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Apple assures Reliance Communications of iPhone 5S supply

Apple assures Reliance Communications of iPhone 5S supply

Apple assures Reliance Communications of iPhone 5S supply
Reliance Communications has been assured by Apple of guaranteed iPhone 5S supplies from December 10.

NEW DELHI: Reliance Communications has been assured by Apple of guaranteed iPhone 5S supplies from December 10 which will help it clear a backlog of around 50,000 pre-booked orders as well as cater to new demand, a person familiar with the matter said.

Mobile phone operator RCom started selling the popular iPhone 5S model along with the less popular iPhone 5C model early November through bundled offers with much fanfare, but have been struggling to meet the huge demand for the handsets, especially the iPhone 5s.

The Anil Ambani-group flagship company could only sell over 3,000 handsets, leaving some 50,000 pre-booked orders in its hand, most of them for the iPhone 5S. They were at first taking paid bookings, but have since stopped those as well, due to the supply shortage.

The person said that following its deal with Apple, RCom would be able to assure handset delivery. He added that the EMIs for the Apple models - Rs 2,599 for 24 months for an iPhone 5C and Rs 2,999 for 24 months for iPhone 5S - could be raised by Rs 500 each beyond December 8.

RCom will also shortly offer the iPhone 4S model through a similar bundled offer wherein one will need to pay around Rs 2,500 for 24 months for the handset along with an RCom connection with unlimited data usage among other benefits. Reliance Communications (RCom) and Apple declined to comment.

Hopes of additional supplies rose after news came in that major assembler Hon Hai Precision Industry Co, also known as Foxconn, had raised production capacity for the iPhone 5S at the expense of the lower priced and less popular iPhone 5C models under Apple's request.

However, senior trade partners of Apple in India told ET two weeks back that the enhanced production wouldn't bridge the supply-demand gap in India as stocks would mostly be diverted towards Apple's major markets in the US and Europe ahead of the year-end Christmas shopping season which started with Black Friday on November 29.

Analysts say Apple may have widely underestimated demand for the iPhone 5S smartphone in India, traditionally viewed as a low cost market. They are, however, of the view that the US technology major may be gradually changing its outlook towards India, given their recent comments and marketing strategies.

Post its fiscal fourth quarter results ended September 28, Peter Oppenheimer, Apple's chief financial officer, said that the iPhone sales were ahead of our expectations

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