Thursday 28 November 2013

Why Samsung’s $14 billion marketing budget is not paying off

Why Samsung’s $14 billion marketing budget is not paying off

Why Samsung’s $14 billion marketing budget is not paying off
Samsung is expected to spend around $14 billion on advertising and marketing this year, but it doesn't always get value for money.

SEOUL: Samsung Electronics is expected to spend around $14 billion -- more than Iceland's GDP -- on advertising and marketing this year, but it doesn't always get value for money. 

The outlay buys the South Korean technology giant publicity in TV and cinema ads, on billboards, and at sports and arts events from the Sydney Opera House to New York's Radio City Music Hall. Google spent less on buying Motorola's handset business. 

And Samsung, which has a market value of $227 billion, has made no secret of keeping up its aggressive marketing and promotion splurge as it seeks to make its brand as aspirational as Apple's . But the money it's spending doesn't always bring the desired result. 

Last month, a Samsung-sponsored short-film contest finale at the Sydney Opera House received poor reviews for blatant product placement in a series of 'behind the scenes' videos. In Britain, viewers panned a product placement deal with ITV's popular X-Factor talent show. "Is this a singing competition or an extended Samsung advert?" asked Twitter user Ryan Browne. 

Earlier this year, Samsung's New York launch of its latest top-of-the-range Galaxy smartphone came under fire for being sexist, portraying giggling women chatting about jewelery and nail polish while the men discussed the new phone, and the company's new fridge and washing machine launch in South Africa drew similar complaints as it featured swimsuit dancers. 

"Samsung's marketing is too much focused on projecting an image they aspire to: being innovative and ahead of the pack," said Oh Jung-suk, associate professor at the business school of Seoul National University. "They are failing to efficiently bridge the gap between the aspiration and how consumers actually respond to the campaign. It's got to be more aligned." 

Samsung spends a bigger chunk of its annual revenue on advertising and promotion than any other of the world's top-20 companies by sales -- 5.4%, according to Thomson Reuters data. Apple spends just 0.6%, and General Motors 3.5%. 

"When your brand doesn't have a clear identity, as is the case with Samsung, to keep spending is probably the best strategy," said Moon Ji-hun, head of brand consultant Interbrand's Korean operation. "But maintaining marketing spend at that level in the longer term wouldn't bring much more benefit. No one can beat Samsung in terms of (ad) presence, and I doubt whether keeping investing at this level is effective." 

In a statement to Reuters, Samsung said it will "continue to leverage our brand power to maintain growth momentum, while focusing on optimizing the efficiency of our marketing activities," reiterating recent comments by its co-CEO. 

"Our product innovation and marketing strategy have made Samsung the world's most preferred smartphone brand," JK Shin, who also heads the group's mobile business, told investors recently. "Now we'll move from the most preferred brand to become one of the world's leading aspirational brands." 

Innovating, not following
Samsung's 'Next Big Thing,' and 'It's Time to Change' marketing campaigns stress that its products are cutting-edge, and even trumpet its technology 'world firsts' before they're ready for prime time, such as curved smartphones, available only in South Korea, and curved TVs that cost nearly $10,000. 

For a company long seen as a follower, this is now a big sell on it being an innovator. 

But, while Samsung has become the world's biggest advertiser, spending $4.3 billion on ads alone last year, its global brand value of $39.6 billion is less than half that of Apple, which spent only $1 billion on advertising, according to Interbrand and ad researcher Ad Age. 

To be sure, Samsung has a more diverse range of mobile products, which along with its chips and household appliance businesses need more marketing across different target audiences. But the heavy marketing spend suggests a need to convince consumers that it belongs at the top. Apple can afford to spend less as it already has that brand recognition, and cachet. 

"The stronger, more differentiated the product, the less it needs to be propped up by advertising," said Horace Dediu, founder of independent research firm Asymco and a former Nokia business development manager, referring to Apple's ad spend. 

Defending its marketing budget, Samsung can point to its lead in the global smartphone market - it sells one in every three smartphones and has more than double Apple's market share. The Korean group's savvy adverts mocking Apple devotees, and heavy investment in distribution channels have strengthened its Galaxy mobile brand. 

"The Galaxy brand has established itself, and the Samsung brand is now much stronger than Android or any of the other OEM brands, except Apple," said Benedict Evans, an independent technology and media consultant in London. "The underlying problem is that Samsung has established itself as a dependable quality brand, not a differentiated or premium quality product, so it does best where it's not competing directly with Apple." 

Samsung works with a number of advertising agencies, including Publicis Groupe , Interpublic Group , and MDC Partners . 

In low gear
Samsung's latest marketing splash has been on its Galaxy Gear smartwatch, which has been almost universally panned by reviewers. The device has been aggressively marketed through adverts and collaboration with fashion shows - yet only 800,000 Gears have been shipped since its launch two months ago. Compare that to the more than 5 million Note 3 smartphones that have been shipped since its late-September launch, and it suggests fewer than a fifth of the Note buyers are also buying the accessory device. 

Undeterred, Samsung has vowed more Gear promotions for the crucial year-end holiday season as it seeks to lead the wearable computer market and prove its innovation credentials. 

"Probably Samsung knows better than anyone that Gear will not become a mainstream product. Still, they are trying to convey the message that 'we are first with such technology,' which they hope will help build their brand as an advanced technology firm," said Interbrand's Moon. 

A deep-pocketed Samsung - it earned operating profit of $9.6 billion in the third quarter alone - is still pushing the envelope to win over consumers. 

This month, the big-spending official sponsor of the past eight Winter and Summer Olympics launched a fantasy-inspired soccer marketing campaign ahead of the mid-2014 World Cup in Brazil - selecting 11 of the world's top players, including Argentine striker Lionel Messi, for a virtual match to save Earth from aliens -- with the help of Galaxy devices

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Ericsson faces CCI probe on Micromax complaint

Ericsson faces CCI probe on Micromax complaint

Ericsson faces CCI probe on Micromax complaint
CCI will probe Ericsson for charging higher royalty on GSM technology patents, following a complaint by handset maker Micromax.

NEW DELHI: Fair trade watchdog Competition Commission of India (CCI) will probe telecom gear major Ericsson for alleged abuse of its dominant position in charging higher royalty on GSM technology patents, following a complaint by handset maker Micromax. 

CCI has ordered investigation into the matter after finding prima-facie evidence of Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson indulging in unfair trade practices. 

Micromax had complained that Sweden-based Ericsson was demanding unfair, discriminatory and exorbitant royalty for its GSM technology-related patents. 

In its order, CCI has said that it is a "fit case for through investigation by the Director General into the allegations made by the informant (Micromax), and violations, if any, of the provisions of the Competition Act". 

It is prima facie apparent that Ericsson is dominant in the market of GSM and CDMA (telecom technology standards) in India and holds large number of such patents, said the CCI order dated November 12, but released today. 

As per the order, Ericsson has 33,000 patents to its credit, with 400 of these granted in India. The company was the largest holder of SEPs (Standard Essential Patents) for mobile communications technologies like 2G as well as 3G and 4G, used mainly used for smartphones and tablets. 

The Commission noted that since Ericsson held these SEPs and there was no other alternate technology in the market, the telecom equipment firm "enjoys complete dominance over its present and prospective licensees in the relevant product market." 

Micromax said it had received a notice from Ericsson on November 3, 2009 for infringing essential GSM patents of the company. 

The Commission observed that allegations regarding royalty rates make it clear that the practices adopted by the Ericsson were discriminatory as well as contrary to Frand (Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory) terms. 

"The royalty rates being charged by the Opposite Party (Ericsson) had no linkage to patented product, contrary to what is expected from a patent owner holding licences on Frand terms. 

"The Opposite Party seemed to be acting contrary to the Frand terms by imposing royalties linked with cost of product of user for its patents," the order said. 

Meanwhile, Ericsson had filed a civil suit against Micromax for alleged violation of patent rights. 

The Commission said that issues raised by Ericsson before the Delhi High Court were in respect of infringement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). 

"...this Commission has obligation and jurisdiction to visit the issues of competition law. Pendency of a civil suit in High Court does not take away the jurisdiction of the Commission to proceed under the Competition Act," the order said

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Smartphones set to get cheaper: IDC

Smartphones set to get cheaper: IDC

Smartphones set to get cheaper: IDC
According to IDC, the average smartphone selling price will drop 12.8% to $337 this year from $387 in 2012.
NEW DELHI: Global smartphone prices are declining steadily, particularly in the emerging markets where new handset manufacturers are focusing on low-cost devices as a way to build brand awareness. 

Analysts believe the current pricing trend will encourage more and more new users to buy low-cost smartphones rather than plain-vanillafeature phones
According to the latest IDC projections on price trends, the average smartphone selling price will drop 12.8% to $337 this year from $387 in 2012. Here's a look at the region-wise breakup...

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Why mid-sized IT firms are poaching senior executives from larger rivals

Why mid-sized IT firms are poaching senior executives from larger rivals

Why mid-sized IT firms are poaching senior executives from larger rivals
Mid-sized IT firms are poaching senior executives from larger rivals, forming a new partnership forged by ambition for rapid growth.

BANGALORE: Mid-sized technology services companies are poaching senior executives from larger rivals, forming a new partnership forged by ambition for rapid growth. The smaller companies are gaining management bandwidth with the skills to handle scale while the executives are handed powers they may not have had in a larger organisation. 

The best example of such a trend is Ashok Vemuri, who moved from Infosys, India's second-largest software exporter, to iGate, a firm that was one-sixth its size. As a member of the board and the head of key units, the 45-year-old may one day have become CEO of the Bangalore-based company, but there was no guarantee. Therefore Vemuri settled on a trade-off which allows him to conceptualise and implement his strategy in a way which he could not have done if he had continued at Infosys. 

"At every milestone - be it $5 million, $10 million or $50 million - a company needs a different escape velocity to move into the next orbit. But the kind of escape velocity that is needed to take it to the next orbit from a revenue size of $400-$500 million is very different," said NS Parthasarathy, co-founder and president at Mindtree, which has hired proactively from larger peers. 

Earlier this month, it hired Ramesh Pillai, an executive who spent about 13 years in HCL TechnologiesBSE 1.23 % and was heading segments such as automotive, aerospace and medical devices globally, to lead its hi-tech vertical. A month ago, it hired Paul Gottsegen from Infosys to lead its marketing and strategy. 

Similarly, another mid-sized IT company, NIIT Technologies, hired senior vice-president Sudhir Chaturvedi from Infosys as COO because of his experience across verticals and in scaling the businesses within Infosys to over $1 billion. Chaturvedi will help NIIT in its ambitions to grow from revenue of around 2,000 crore now to $1 billion by 2018. 

Despite analysts earlier questioning the future of mid-sized IT companies, they have proven themselves with consistent financial performance and marquee customers. These companies are also hungry for growth and are eager to get to the billion-dollar revenue club. 

"Mid-sized IT players have become more credible and they are now of a size where they can afford to pay top-dollar salaries," said CK Guruprasad, principal at executive search firm Heidrick & Struggles. "The leaders joining them have more often than not been with the large IT service providers for 10-12 years, from the time they were the size of these mid-sized companies. So they come with valuable perspective." 

The challenge was what prompted Raj Mamodia, who was part of Cognizant's global leadership team, to quit and join Collabera, a $450-million IT and professional services company, as CEO. Mamodia is now restructuring the business and thinking through a strategy that will differentiate and grow Collabera's IT services. 

"The clincher for me was the quality of the challenge. But you have to have the mental preparedness for it because it is a lot of work. Rewards are usually tightly coupled to performance," said Mamodia. "For me it was certainly attractive, and I know for many of my industry peers, it would be the same." 

Mindtree's chief people officer, Ravi Shankar, who has been instrumental in some of its recent hires and who himself joined a year ago from HCL Technologies, said the biggest motivation for the new leadership joining the company is the potential to build something and leave a mark

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Samsung Galaxy S5 to come in two variants: Report

Samsung Galaxy S5 to come in two variants: Report

Samsung Galaxy S5 to come in two variants: Report
One variant of the Galaxy S5 will have a metal body and bendable OLED screen, while the other model will have a plastic body.
NEW DELHI: Less than a week after the alleged metal frame of Samsung Galaxy S5 hit the internet, comes the report that Samsung is planning to launch the smartphone in two variants. According to South Korean newspaper ET News, while one variant of the Galaxy S5 will have a metal body and bendable OLED screen, the other model will have a plastic body similar to most existing Samsung phones.

The upcoming handset will go into mass production in January next year and will be released in March, says the ETNews report.

A report by technology website SamMobile says that one version of Galaxy S5 will runs on 64-bit Exynos chipset, while the other one will be powered by a Snapdragon chip. Other rumoured specifications of Samsung Galaxy S5 include a display with 2K resolution, 16MP camera, 4,000mAh battery and Android 4.4 (KitKat).

The ET News report also says that Galaxy S5 will be launched alongside the second-generation Galaxy Gear smartwatch. The original Galaxy Gear was launched in September this year. Its successor is said to be 15-20% thinner, though there is no information on its specifications.

Samsung recently announced that it has sold 8,00,000 units of Galaxy Gear smartwatch in two months globally.

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Rhythm takes time, says Umesh Yadav

Rhythm takes time, says Umesh Yadav

Rhythm takes time, says Umesh Yadav
"Right now I am bowling well and feeling fine. I have already played two Ranji games. I am getting better and feeling better," Umesh Yadav said. 
MUMBAI: Back in the side after being sidelined for some months due to poor form, Umesh Yadav said he will focus on getting his line and length right in next month's Test and ODI series against South Africa. 

"Mentally I will be ready to bowl to a length, which could be three-quarter and around the off stump. I am focused on this aspect. Bowling wicket to wicket is very important in Test match cricket," he said. The 26-year-old Vidarbha bowler will be representing his side in the Ranji match against Mumbai starting on Thursday. 

Asked about his interaction with the host skipper and senior India bowler Zaheer Khan at the nets, Yadav said, "We met after a long time He enquired about my fitness and advised me to concentrate on line and length," 

All about match practice 

"For every fast bowler match practice is very important. There will be lot of bounce on the South African wickets. So, this match against Mumbai will be a good preparation on a probably helpful wicket here," he said. "The Ranji games are good practice games for me to improve fitness," he added. 

The speedster had a back injury which ruled him out for the Australia series but he said he is feeling fine now. 

"Right now I am bowling well and feeling fine. I have already played two Ranji games. I am getting better and feeling better," he said. He admitted that he is not bowling at the same level right now. 

"I have started playing after the injury. It takes time to get into the rhythm, but I am feeling much better. The more I play I will be able to get into top rhythm," he said.

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Virat, Rohit, Shikhar racing against each other!

Virat, Rohit, Shikhar racing against each other!

The top three ODI run-getters in 2013 are all Indians -- Virat KohliRohit Sharma and Shikhar Dhawan. It's a fascinating race between the three as they try to finish the year right on top of the pile. 

They have three more ODIs to go in 2013, away in South Africa next month. 

The only batsman who looks most likely to threaten the three is Pakistan's Misbah-ul Haq who has six games still to play in the year -- one against SA and five against Sri Lanka in Abu Dhabi. 

Top Five Run Getters in 2013 
Virat Kohli311237115*56.2298.1747
Rohit Sharma25115920955.1982.1428
Shikhar Dhawan23115011954.7698.1254
George Bailey22109815664.5810028

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Monday 25 November 2013

Apple offers minimum Rs. 13,000 off on iPhone 5c, iPhone 4S via buyback scheme

Apple offers minimum Rs. 13,000 off on iPhone 5c, iPhone 4S via buyback scheme

Apple, in an attempt to boost sales of its iPhone 5c and iPhone 4S smartphones, is introducing a buyback scheme for the Indian market starting Saturday. The latest scheme will offer a minimum exchange price of Rs. 13,000 for an old smartphone.
The news comes from a Twitter user named Manish Khatri, who is a retailer in Mumbai, and NDTV Gadgets has been able to verify this scheme from another source. Khatri writes on Twitter, "Buyback on iPhone 5c and iPhone 4S 8GB LIVE FROM TOMORROW (get minimum 13000 on selected models) *condition apply."
Khatri has also posted an image that includes the list of smartphones that can be traded in for the iPhone 5c and iPhone 4S. Interestingly, the list includes some of flagship smartphones also.
Earlier on Friday, the research firm Gartner said in a report that the iPhone 5c was expensive for India and other emerging markets.
In India, Apple is selling the 16GB iPhone 5c at Rs. 41,900, and the 32GB variant at Rs. 53,500. The iPhone 4S 8GB, in newly revised pricing, is available at Rs. 31,500 including taxes.
Apple launched both the iPhone 5c and iPhone 5s in India on November 1, starting at Rs. 41,900 and Rs. 53,500 for the 16GB models, respectively. Both the smartphones were globally unveiled in September this year.





Front Camera



640x960 pixels




iOS 6.1.3



Rear Camera


Battery capacity





Front Camera



640x1136 pixels



iOS 7



Rear Camera


Battery capacity


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Moto G dual-SIM smartphone to land in India with Android 4.4 KitKat: Report

Moto G dual-SIM smartphone to land in India with Android 4.4 KitKat: Report

While it has already been confirmed that Motorola will be launching the dual-SIM version of the Moto G in India in early-January 2014, and that the smartphone would be receiving a 'guaranteed' Android 4.4 KitKat the same month, a new report says the model that will ship in India will come pre-loaded with Google's latest iteration of Android.
Omio News Blog in a report has revealed Motorola's plans for the rollout of Moto G with the latest Android iteration in various countries.
The report quotes Mark Randal, Senior Vice President, Supply Chain & Operations, Motorola who while replying about Android 4.4 KitKat rollout plans for Moto G said that the company will be shipping the smartphone with Android 4.4 KitKat after Christmas. Considering that in India, the Moto G will be launched next year, in early January, it is quite evident that the device will be running Android 4.4 KitKat out-of-the-box.
Further, the report notes that the Motorola Moto G will release in two waves (as we confirmed during the press conference) , the first wave includes countries namely Brazil, France, Germany, Mexico and UK, while the second wave includes US, South East Asia and other countries. Randal also revealed that the Motorola Moto G will be launched with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean in first wave countries, though they will also receive the Android 4.4 KitKat update by the end of January.
On Thursday, a tweet by Guy Kawasaki confirmed that the Motorola Moto G dual-SIM variant would be making it to the Indian market, as well as Brazil. While Motorola has already confirmed that the Moto G will be arriving in India, it has yet to reveal the precise plans for the type of retail availability.
The Motorola Moto G features a 4.5-inch HD 'edge-to-edge' display with a resolution of 720x1280 pixels (translating to a pixel density of 329ppi) and boasts a Corning Gorilla Glass 3 screen. Powered by a quad-core 1.2GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor coupled with an Adreno 305 GPU, the Moto G features 1GB of RAM. On the optics front, the Moto G sports a 5-megapixel rear camera along with an LED flash and also includes a 1.3-megapixel front-facing camera. The rear camera supports HD (720p) video recording.
The Motorola Moto G also features water-resistant nano-coating on the inside and outside. The Moto G packs a 2070mAh battery, which Motorola claims can deliver up to 30 percent more talktime than the Apple iPhone 5s.

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Huawei Ascend P6S with octa-core chipset, Android 4.4 for Ascend P6 announced

Huawei Ascend P6S with octa-core chipset, Android 4.4 for Ascend P6 announced

Huawei has revealed plans for an upcoming smartphone, the Ascend P6S, which is to be powered by an octa-core processor.
As per GizChina, Huawei's President, Xu Xin Quan was spotted saying on the Weibo blogging platform that the new Ascend P6S smartphone, successor to the Ascend P6, will be unveiled with company's updated version of the in-house K3V2 processor with octa-core processing prowess. Further, the report revealed that the upcoming eight-core chipset will feature integrated 3G and will be optimised for extended battery life.
Unfortunately, the company's President has not shed much light on the innards of the Ascend P6S except the chipset. No details about the release and availability of the smartphone were shared either.
Samsung and MediaTek have already launched octa-core processors, the Exynos 5 Octa chips andMT6592 chipset respectively.
In addition, the Chinese handset maker announced that the Ascend P6 will be getting the Android 4.4 KitKat treatment in January. As per Android SAS, Huawei will be skipping the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update and will directly release the v4.4 KitKat update with updated Emotion UI skin. With this, the Ascend P6 will become the first smartphone in Huawei's line up to get the Android 4.4 KitKat update. Sadly, the company has not revealed plans for updating its other Android-running smartphones.
Huawei unveiled the Ascend P6 back in June this year and natively runs Android 4.2 Jelly Bean with company's Emotion UI 1.6 OS layer on top. The smartphone is said to be the slimmest smartphone in the world by the company, and measures 6.2mm, while weighing 120 grams. It features a 4.7-inch LCD display that has a resolution of 720x1280 pixels. It's powered by the company's in-house chipset, the Huawei K3V2 quad-core processor, clocked at 1.5GHz and coupled with 2GB of RAM.
The Ascend P6 includes an 8-megapixel rear camera with a BSI sensor, capable of recording 1080p HD video, apart from a 5-megapixel front-facing camera.

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